Art and Archaeology of Rome

Professors in Charge

Dr. Max L. Goldman (

Prof. Rebecca Kennedy (

Course Description

This survey course will cover Ancient Rome from roughly the mid 2C BCE to the mid 2C CE, through investigation of significant sites, monuments, and museum collections in Rome and locations throughout southern Italy. Items considered will include both monumental and domestic architecture, wall painting, mosaics, sculpture, coins, epigraphic evidence, as well as maps and ancient sources.

Course Goals and Aims

This course has three specific aims:

  1. To provide an introductory knowledge of the topography, history, daily life, and material remains of ancient Rome and Roman towns in the bay of Naples.
  2. To improve the ability to see and experience space, and, particularly, to be able to describe those experiences in a meaningful way.
  3. To engage with the process and problems surrounding discovering, preserving, and presenting the material legacy of the past.

Upon completion of the course students should be able:

  • to locate important monuments visited on a map of modern Rome and Italy.
  • to identify basic architectural styles and building materials used by the Romans.
  • to talk meaningfully about the ancient material remains in terms of what they see and know about Roman history, daily life, and culture.
  • to explain issues that involve the preservation and presentation of ancient material remains.


Class attendance and participation are expected and mandatory for all classes and events. Unexcused absence or poor participation will negatively affect overall grade.

  1. A personal, ‘visual’ journal maintained in order to improve your ability to see (drawing skill is irrelevant). C level work would include one daily sketch with brief written description of the object or place in question with analysis of what your “slow” looking revealed. The work is evaluated on how you talk about what you saw and drew. Journals may also include review of days’ activities and daily lecture notes if desired.
  2. A minimum of 3 photos a day, one including a course participant, uploaded to the class Google photo folder
  3. ArcGis Story Map (2 days by group)
  4. Site presentations (3 individual, 2 group)



A. Claridge, Rome: An Oxford Archaeological Guide (kindle version is available)


Barber & Macadam, Blue Guide Rome (a very full guide to Rome, especially useful for the many monuments after antiquity)

Other helpful readings will be provided in Notebowl.