
The maps below highlight several aspects of this watershed, including aerial imaging, roads and townships, glacial debris, bedrock elevation, and land cover/use. There are also several maps displaying the current state and growth of the Intel Site, and a zoning map of Johnstown, OH.

Image map.pdf

Base maps show the Headwaters of Raccoon creek Huc-12 water shed with aerial imaging

Road map.pdf

Base maps show the Headwaters of Raccoon creek Huc-12 water shed with road maps of major roads and townships within.

Glaical map OHIO 2.pdf

Glacial Map of Ohio

This map depicts various debris brought to Ohio via glaciers. The map shows Wisconsinan, Illinoian, and Pre-Illinoian debris present in the state of Ohio.

Bed rock map OHIO.pdf

Bedrock Topography Map

This figure shows the configuration as well as elevation of bedrock surfaces in the state of Ohio.

Intel Site growth

This figure shows the ripple effects of the Intel site.

Intel Current Site

This figure shows a zoomed in image of the intel site.

Overall Area surrounding intel site

This figure shows a zoomed out image of intel site.


Zoning Map

Zoning map of Johnstown, Ohio.

Part two.pdf

Land Cover and Land use

The figure depicts land cover and usage in the studied region.