Monthly Newsletter

August + September News

CARE Team's Message:

Welcome back!!! We are excited to be your school counselors for this upcoming school year! There have been many transitions and changes that have occurred through this pandemic, so please reach out regarding any supports you may need. We want to start this school year off strong and build a great foundation for the rest of the year. Throughout the year, we will be delivering guidance lessons, doing individual check-ins, and helping get your schedules just right. Students are able to make adjustments to their schedules the first two weeks of school. Give us a call, send us an email, or stop by- we can't wait to see you!

-Ms.Hume + Ms.Felix

Mark Your Calendar:

Aug 27: Last Day to Change Schedule

September: Suicide Prevention Month

Sept 10: World Suicide Prevention Day


13 Tips for Middle School Success

2022-2023 School Year