Sight Word Memorization Makes it Automatic

We want children to develop automaticity when reading, so they don’t even have to think about decoding words—they just automatically know the words. Ideally, we want reading to become as effortless and unconscious as breathing.

Here Are 5 Easy Ways to Increase Your Child’s Sight Word Vocabulary

*Click on underlined words for website links.

These four methods increase the number of times your child encounters a word, helping move the word into long-term memory for instant recall:

  1. Find sight words in the stories and books your child is reading. Point them out and ask your child to read the sentence with the word.
  2. Make use of interesting games and activities.
  3. Find hands on ways to attach a word to a picture, object or motion.
  4. Have your child read decodable books. Use decodable books to practice sight word by pointing out the tricky words when your child reads them.
  5. Do not encourage your child to sound out tricky words, only “sound out” phonetically-regular sight words.