Green Team

Watch Us Soar!

Some ideas for this year: Lights Out Lunches, Plastic-Free snack week, Recycle video, Litterless Lunches, Power-Down Weekends

At Ladner Elementary School we have formed a Green Team! We are a group of students, grades 3 to 6 who have committed to making our school and community a better place. We will do this by modelling what it looks like to reduce our carbon footprint. We will encourage our peers to reduce and rethink how we use energy. Already we are helping to make sure doors stay closed to keep the heat in. We give reminders to turn off running water. This year, some of the initiatives that our Team have engaged in include making sleep mats for homeless people out of plastic bags, recycling and separating drinking containers after hot lunch. The students separate, clean and bag the containers and the sponsor teacher, Mme Olsen returns them at the bottle depot for money. Students plan to use this money to create zip donation bags that will include a toque, gloves, food and socks. Let's get Green and make a difference while doing so LE!