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Srta Nickmeyer standing in front of a waterfall at the La Paz Waterfall Garden in Costa Rica, lifting up her glasses, which have gotten wet from the mist

La Paz Waterfall Garden, Costa Rica

After earning her undergraduate degree at UCLA, Señorita Nickmeyer completed her Multiple Subject teaching credential and Bilingual Authorization in Spanish at CSU San Marcos. Previously, she taught 4th grade in both Northern and Southern California, and this will be her second year in DMUSD.

Señorita Nickmeyer's exploration of Spanish began in high school, and the resulting passion motivated her to continue studying Spanish language and culture on a trip to Costa Rica after college. She looks forward to learning about and visiting more Latin American countries in the future.

Contact Information: anickmeyer@dmusd.org

Educational Philosophy
What to Expect in STEAM+ Primary Spanish

Señorita Nickmeyer is beyond excited to introduce the joy of exploring a foreign language to the primary grades. She believes that the experience of uncovering new perspectives and making connections between one's own culture and another is an incredible gift, and one which only serves to broaden horizons and create new opportunities. 

Señorita Nickmeyer seeks to guide students to engage with Spanish language and culture with curiosity and confidence. Learning will be centered around music, games, and art, and will support appreciation of diverse cultures and backgrounds. 

Life Outside of School

Señorita Nickmeyer absolutely loves being outdoors, especially near the ocean. She has even brought her cat, Scipio, to the beach a couple of times! 

Señorita Nickmeyer loves to read (in English and Spanish), play guitar and piano, sing, run, try new food, and spend time with her cousins. 

Ms. Nickmeyer and her cat Scipio at Powerhouse Park, Del Mar

Powerhouse Park