Welcome to 

Del Mar Heights School

Coach Phillip

Physical Education with Mr. Phillip

Teaching Philosophy
What to Expect in Physical Education 

My Physical Education Philosophy

“To improve and promote physical well-being, to provide examples for lifetime health habits, and to bring joy into physical activities for all students”

I pledge to provide a variety of lessons and games to help students find a niche in physical activity. I have fun every day with my classes, and I cherish student ideas. Our main goal is to strive for PERSONAL BEST in all that we do.  

Character Education:  We will consistently model lifting up others and celebrating the accomplishements of our peers.  Students who demonstrate great character in P.E. and make others feel welcome are eligible for a monthly P.E. Superstar Award.  Students in grades 4-6 will set yearly physical and character goals for self improvement. 


We have three simple rules in Physical Education:

1. LISTEN to the teacher and each other. Good listening = more activity time!

2. RESPECT - We care about the feelings of others, and respect differences between students as we try new things.

3. TRY YOUR BEST! - Your own best effort makes you stronger and makes our classes unique. People have different talents, and that’s what makes a team!


We move around a LOT in P.E! Find out what days your child has P.E. class.  Please have your child wear shoes that are easy to run in and that will STAY ON EASILY! Sandals, boots and crocs are not appropriate for P.E. class.Thanks for keeping our classes safe.  It is not required, but convenient to have a water bottle in P.E. class. This way kids can hydrate quickly whenever they feel the need. 

 When does my child have P.E.?  

The STEAM+ schedule varies with each grade level.  All grades have P.E. with me at least once a week for approx. 45 minutes.  I teach fun activities rain or shine. If Coach is there, P.E. is ON!  The final P.E. schedule will be posted once school begins.

Special events and clubs:    Dolphin Games, Junior Olympics, Dance Parties, Lunchtime sports tournaments, Miieage Club,  Dolphin Leadership club.

 What is the main focus in P.E. class?   

To experience a wide variety of exercise and healthy choices, to create positive associations with movement and sports and to learn to work with others in cooperative and competitive settings.  My main goal is that when students grow into adulthood, they make healthy choices because they believe in them, not just because someone tells them to.

 In our P.E. class,  students are a part of the learning process, and will earn a measure of control over the curriculum with great behavior.  I value student ideas, peer teaching and above all: POSITIVE energy being shared while we are outside together.  See you on the field!

Link to DMUSD Website

Hobbies and interests

In my free time, I love surfing, climbing, playing music, snow sports and reading mystery stories.  I have a sixth grader at the Heights and we have two wild cats, Stormy and Skippyjon Jones.  My wife is a teacher as well. My way of thinking is to try and uplift others whenever you can, which is the best lesson I've learned from my parents!