
第30屆香港國際教育及職業展 30th Hong Kong International Education and Careers Expo

Date: 6 - 7 July 2024 (Saturday to Sunday)

Time: 11:00 am – 6:00 pm

Venue: Hall 5G, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre

View Details

日期: 2024年7月6日至7日(星期六至日)

時間: 上午11時至下午6時

地點: 香港會議展覽中心5G展覽廳


「科大聯招限定:入學全攻略」資訊日2024 6 Hours @ HKUST: JUPAS Info Day 2024

Date: Saturday, 6 July 2024

Time: 10:00 am – 4:00 pm

Venue: HKUST Clear Water Bay Campus

Register Now

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日期: 2024年7月6日(星期六)

時間: 上午10時至下午4時

地點: 香港科技大學清水灣校園



2024城大聯招課程諮詢日 CityUHK JUPAS Consultation Day 2024

City University of Hong Kong (CityUHK) will hold the JUPAS Consultation Day with the following details:

Date: Saturday, 18 May 2024

Time: 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Venue:  CityUHK Campus

Register Now

View Details


日期: 2024年5月18日(星期六)

時間: 下午1時至下午5時

地點:  城大校園



Get into CUHK – Embark on Your CUHK Journey

The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) will hold the virtual event "Get into CUHK – Embark on Your CUHK Journey" with the following details:

Events: Ultimate Tips for JUPAS Applicants: All You Need to Know about Admission & Interview

Date: Thursday, 23 May 2024

Time: 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm

Mode: Online (via Zoom)

Language: In Cantonese & English

Events: Home Away from Home: Student Sharing on College Life

Date: Friday, 24 May 2024

Time: 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm

Mode: Online (via Zoom)

Language: In Cantonese 

Register Now

View Details

活動: 「Ultimate Tips for JUPAS Applicants: All You Need to Know about Admission & Interview」線上講座

日期: 2024年5月23日(星期四)

時間: 下午5時至下午6時30分

地點: 香港科技大學清水灣校園

活動: 「Home Away from Home: Student Sharing on College Life」線上講座

日期: 2024年5月24日(星期五)

時間: 下午5時至下午6時30分

地點: 香港科技大學清水灣校園



酒店及旅遊學院(HTI)、中華廚藝學院(CCI)、國際廚藝學院(ICI) 資訊日2024  Hotel and Tourism Institute (HTI), Chinese Culinary Institute (CCI), International Culinary Institute (ICI) Info Day 2024



地點:香港薄扶林道143號 國際廚藝學院


***特設免費專車接載服務 (單程由堅尼地城地鐵站C出口,前往位於薄扶林之學院)


Date: 28 & 29 June, 2024 (Friday & Saturday)

Time: 10:00 am – 5:00 pm

Venue: 143 Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong International Culinary Institute

 Activities of the Fun day @ Hospitality Discipline

***Provide Free Shuttle Bus Services (First come first serves basis) @One way from Kennedy Town MTR Station Exit C to Pok Fu Lam Campus)

You may click the link below or find Mr.Li for more information if you are interested in.

ERB 青年實習計劃 2024 ERB Youth Internship Program 2024




實習時數(全期) :40至65小時







Internship Vacancies:

Internship Period and Duration 

Internship Allowance and Certificate

Please find Mr. Li if you are interested in the mentioned internship.

香港國際機場職業博覽會2024 Hong Kong International Airport Career Expo 2024


時間 :上午11時至下午6 時

地點 :灣仔香港會議展覽中心展覽廳1B

收費 :免費入場

職位空缺:逾 7 500 個職位,涵蓋機場不同範疇:地勤服務、機艙服務、飛機維修、航空貨運、機場保安、機場服務、行李處理、技術與建築、零售及餐飲等

Date: May 17-19, 2024

Time: 11 am to 6 pm

Venue: Exhibition Hall 1B, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center, Wan Chai

Fees: Free admission

Job vacancies: More than 7,500 positions, covering different main areas of the airport: ground handling services, cabin services, aircraft maintenance, air cargo, airport security, airport services, baggage handling, technology and construction, retail and catering, etc.

青年搵工日@展翅青見計劃 Youth Recruitment Day@Youth Employment and Training Programme

勞工處「展翅青見計劃」(計劃)將於2024年5月14日舉辦「青年搵工日@展翅青見計劃」,招聘日共有33間公司參與,涵蓋運輸、航空服務、酒店、主題公園、公用事業、零售、飲食及物業管理等;提供超過2 000個適合青年求職者的全職及兼職在職培訓職位空缺,大部分職位無需相關工作經驗。參與僱主將進行即場招聘。歡迎15至24歲,學歷在副學位或以下的青年即場遞交申請,求職者有機會即場獲邀面試。

The Youth Employment and Training Programme (YETP) of the Labour Department will hold the "Youth Recruitment Day@YETP" on 14 May 2024.  33 companies from various industries including transport, airline services, hotel, theme parks, public services, retail, catering and property management will join the recruitment day with over 2 000 full-time and part-time on-the-job training vacancies for young people and no related work experience required for most of the vacancies.  Participating employers will set up counters and conduct on-the-spot recruitment.  Young school leavers aged 15 to 24 with educational attainment at sub-degree level or below are welcomed to join the programme and job interview would be arranged for suitable job seeker.


日期: 2024年5月14日(星期二)

時間: 上午11時至下午5時30分(最後入場時間為下午5時)

地點: 九龍旺角奶路臣街38號 麥花臣場館(室內)(港鐵旺角站E2出口)

Details of "Youth Recruitment Day@YETP"

Date: 14 May 2024 (Tue)

Time: 11:00 am – 5:30 pm (Last admission at 5:00 pm)

Venue: MacPherson Stadium (Indoor), 38 Nelson Street, Mong Kok, Kowloon 

(MTR Mong Kok Station Exit E2)

學校網絡樞紐活動 聯校無人機體驗

學校網絡樞紐活動 聯校無人機體驗



時間:上午8時30分 - 下午1:00











多元出路資訊 Show 2024 Information Expo on Multiple Pathways 2024

教育局將於2024年5月10日及11日舉辦「多元出路資訊Show 2024」,介紹多元升學出路、職業專才教育、應用學位學士課程,還有專上學生分享經驗,並會提供升學及生涯規劃諮詢服務。讓中學畢業生在規劃升學途徑及就業出路方面作好準備,亦歡迎其他學生、家長、教師及社工參與。

日期︰ 2024年5月10及11日(星期五及星期六)

時間: 上午10時至下午6時(開幕典禮於5月10日上午11時舉行)

地點: 九龍灣國際展貿中心二號展貿廳

The “Information Expo on Multiple Pathways 2024” will be held on 10 and 11May 2024 to provide the information on various articulation opportunities, vocational and professional education and training (VPET), Applied Degree Programmes, experience sharing from tertiary students as well as career guidance services, so as to assist secondary school graduates to make good preparation and planning for further studies and career progression. Other students, parents, teachers and social workers are also welcome to join.

Date: 10-11 May 2024 (Friday and Saturday)

Time: 10:00 am – 6:00 pm (Opening Ceremony on 10 May 2024, 11:00 am)

Venue: Rotunda 2, Kowloonbay International Trade & Exhibition Centre

聖方濟各大學職業博覽會2024 SFU Career Fair 2024






SFU's first Career Fair will be held on April 15 & 16, 2024 (Monday & Tuesday), details are as follows:

Date: 15 & 16 April, 2024 (Monday & Tuesday)

Time: 10:00 am – 5:30 pm

Venue: 2/F, Saint Francis University

In additional to employer's booths, the Fair also features career talks and training seminars, which enable students to gain industry insights and career information from organisations. This is a great opportunity for students to explore various career options, network with potential employers, and learn about the latest trends in the job market.

大學聯合招生辦法 Joint University Programmes Admissions System (JUPAS)



6/12/2023 遞交「大學聯招辦法」申請最後限期 

1/3/2024 遞交比賽/活動的經驗及成就(OEA)資料及上載所需證明文件的最後限期 

17/4/2024 透過「大學聯招辦法」帳戶遞交其他學術成績(語文科目)音樂考試成績其他中國語文成績(ACL)前教育資料最後限期  

16/5/2024 學校校長遞交校長推薦計劃(SPN)最後限期 

29/5/2024 遞交學生學習概覽(SLP)最後限期 

17/7/2024 香港考評局公佈2024年度香港中學文憑考試成績 

18-20/7/2024 申請人可於個別指定時段內修改其課程選擇

7/8/2024 公佈正式遴選結果 

Joint University Programmes Admissions System (JUPAS) is a scheme and the main route of application designed to assist local students with Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) Examination results (past and / or current) to apply for admission to the following programmes: 

Important Date:

6/12/2023 DEADLINE for submission of JUPAS applications 

3/1/2024 DEADLINE for submission of OEA information and uploading of required supporting documents 

17/4/2024 DEADLINE for submission of Other Academic Results (Language Subjects), Music Qualifications, ACL and Prior  Education via JUPAS accounts 

16/5/2024 DEADLINE for school principals to submit SPN 

29/5/2024 DEADLINE for submission of SLP 

17/7/2024 Release of the 2024 HKDSE Examination results by the HKEAA  

18-20/7/2024 Applicants can modify their programme choices within their own allocated time slots 

7/8/2024 Announcement of Main Round offer results 

中國教育交流(香港)中心是 1999 年經國家教育部批准在香港設立的內地與香港教育交流機構,目前主要承擔的工作是受教育部委託,負責內地高校招收香港中學文憑考試學生的招生宣傳、報名確認及報名。

2024/25 年內地高校招收香港中學文憑考試學生計劃(以下簡稱文憑試收生計劃)將於 2024 年 3 月 1 日至 31 日期間進行網上報名。為幫助香港學生、家長和老師及時了解 2024/25 年文憑試收生計劃有關資訊和新的政策,在香港教育局的支持下,中國教育交流(香港)中心擬定於 2024 年 2 月 2 日晚 7 點至 9 點舉辦現場及 ZOOM 線上講座,詳細介紹 2024/25 年文憑試收生計劃報考內地高校相關情況、報名流程、審核確認原則等。歡迎有意通過文憑試收生計劃報考內地高校的同學和家長到現場參加講座或登錄 ZOOM 線上觀看講座。

主題:2024/25 學年內地高校招收香港中學文憑考試學生計劃講座

日期:2024 年 2 月 2 日(星期五) 

時間:下午 7 點至 9 點

會議 ID 813-9598-7913


查詢電話:2542 4811

HKMU 入學資訊講座 2024 HKMU Admission Seminars 2024

Date: 27 January 2024 (Saturday)

Venue: • Main Campus, 30 Good Shepherd Street

• Jockey Club Campus, 81 Chung Hau Street

• Jockey Club Institute of Healthcare, 1 Sheung Shing Street


Registraion Now 

日期: 2024年1月27日(星期六)

地點: • 正校園(牧愛街30號)

 • 賽馬會校園(忠孝街81號)

 • 賽馬會健康護理學院(常盛街1號)



教育及職業博覽2024 EDUCATION & CAREERS EXPO 2024

 Date: 25-28/1/2024

Time: 25/1-27/1 10:00 - 19:00  

   28/1 10:00 - 18:00

Venue: Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center


日期: 2024年1月25日至28日 

時間: 1月25 - 27日 10:00 - 19:00

  1月28日 10:00 - 18:00 

地點: 香港會議展覽中心


2024-25 學年 E-APP 課程申請 2024-25 Academic Year E-APP Programme Application

首輪申請 2023年12月7日 - 2024年5月20日

次輪申請 2024年5月24日 - 2024年7月8日


Main Round Application 7 Dec 2023 - 20 May 2024

Second Round Application 24 May 2024 - 8 Jul 2024

Apply now

校長推薦計劃 School Principal's Nominations(SPN)2023/2024

Application Form 2023-2024.pdf


The main objective of SPN is to give due recognition to applicants who have contributed to social services or made outstanding achievements in non-academic areas such as creative activities, art, community services, leadership abilities, music, other cultural activities and sports. 



都大課程資訊日2023 HKMU INFO DAY 2023

 Date: 11 Nov 2023 (Sat)

Time: 10:00 am – 5:00 pm

Venue: Ho Man Tin Main Campus 

Register Now

View Rundown

日期: 2023年11月11日(星期六) 

時間: 10:00 am – 5:00 pm

地點: 何文田校園



恒生資訊日2023 HSUHK INFO DAY 2023

Date: 18 Nov 2023 (Sat)

Time: 09:30 am – 5:00 pm

Venue: HSUHK Campus 

Register Now

View Rundown

日期: 2023年11月18日(星期六) 

時間: 09:30 am – 5:00 pm

地點: 恒生大學校園



東華學院資訊日2023 TWC Information Day 2023

 Date: 11 Nov 2023 (Sat)

Time: 10:00 am – 5:30 pm

Venue: King’s Park Campus and Mong Kok Campus

Transportation:  King’s Park Campus (Yau Ma Tei Station Exit A2/D)

      Mong Kok Campus (Mong Kok Station Exit E2)

Round-trip (King's Park campus ⇔ Mongkok campus) shuttle bus service would be arranged.

View Rundown

日期: 2023年11月11日(星期六) 

時間: 10:00 am – 5:30 pm

地點: 京士柏校舍 及 旺角校舍

交通資訊: 京士柏校舍(港鐵油麻地站 A2/D 出口)

          旺角校舍 (港鐵旺角站 E2 出口)



香港大學入學資訊日2023 HKU Info Day 2023 for undergraduate Admissions 

 Date: 28 Oct 2023 (Sat)

Time: 09:00 am – 6:00 pm

Venue: HKU Campus 

Transportation:  HKU Station

View Rundown

日期: 2023年10月28日(星期六) 

時間: 09:00 am – 6:00 pm

地點: 香港大學校園

交通資訊: 港鐵香港大學


理工大學入學資訊日2023 PolyU Info Day 2023 for undergraduate Admissions 

 Date: 21 Oct 2023 (Sat)

Time: 10:00 am – 5:00 pm

Venue: PolyU Hung Hom Campus 

Transportation:  Hung Hom Station

View Rundown

日期: 2023年10月21日(星期六) 

時間: 10:00 am – 5:00 pm

地點: 理工大學紅磡校園

交通資訊: 港鐵紅磡站


香港中文大學入學資訊日2023 CUHK Info Day 2023 for undergraduate Admissions 

 Date: 21 Oct 2023 (Sat)

Time: 9:00 am – 6:00 pm

Venue: Chinese University Campus 

Transportation:  University Station

View Rundown

日期: 2023年10月21日(星期六) 

時間: 9:00 am – 6:00 pm

地點: 中文大學校園

交通資訊: 港鐵大學站


浸大入學資訊日2023 HKBU Info Day 2023 for undergraduate Admissions 

A wide range of activities have been organised for you and await your active participation.  Some of the activities include…..

·         First-hand information on the revised 2024 Entrance Requirements for JUPAS applicants

·         University-wide admission talks and programme talks

·         Consultations provided by academic staff and students sharing

·         Laboratories visits and facilities tours and more…….

The first 500 online registrants will get our special “Be U Be UNIQUE” souvenir. Register for the event early to get yours!

Date: 7 Oct 2023 (Sat)

Time: 9:30 am – 5:00 pm

Venue: HKBU Campus 


Register Now

View Rundown


首500位經網上登記資訊日的參加者可換領“Be U Be UNIQUE”限量精美禮品乙份,立即登記!

日期: 2023年10月7日(星期六) 

時間: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

地點: 浸大校園




城大本科課程資訊日2023 CityU Undergraduate Info Day 2023

 Date: 7 Oct 2023 (Sat)

Time: 9:00 am – 5:30 pm

Venue: CityU Campus 

Transportation:   Exit C (Festival Walk) at Kowloon Tong Station

View Rundown

日期: 2023年10月7日(星期六) 

時間: 9:00 am – 5:30 pm

地點: 城大校園

交通資訊: 港鐵九龍塘站C出口 (又一城)


教大學生運動員學習支援及入學計劃 Student-Athlete Learning Support and Admission Scheme (SALSA Scheme) @ EdUHK

Student-athletes who participate in the SALSA scheme have the opportunity for priority admission and will be provided all-around learning support to facilitate the dual career development. Eligible students may also be awarded the entrance scholarship.

How to apply

Learn more  

參與「學生運動員學習支援及入學計劃 」(SALSA) 的學生運動具有機會獲得優先取錄,成功入讀教大後將獲全方位學習支援以促進學院的雙軌發展,並有機會獲得入學獎學金。



香港科技大學本科入學資訊日2023 HKUST Info Day 2023

Prior registration is required for all participants. Please complete and submit this form to reserve your seat. First 1,000 registrants will receive a free gift from us! Redemption details will be sent to the successful registrants via notification email. 

Date: 14 Oct 2023 (Sat)

Time: 9:00 am – 6:00 pm

Venue: Clear Water Bay Campus

Transportation:  Free Shuttle Bus Service Between HKUST Campus and MTR  Station(Diamond Hill Station Exit C2 and Tseung Kwan O Station Exit B1) 

Register Now

View Rundown


日期: 2023年10月14日(星期六) 

時間: 9:00 am – 6:00 pm

地點: 清水灣校園

交通資訊: 免費穿梭巴士服務往返清水灣校園及港鐵站(港鐵鑽石山站 C2出口 和 港鐵將軍澳站 B1出口) 



教大本科入學資訊日2023 EdUHK Info Day 2023

Prior registration is required for all participants. Please complete and submit this form to reserve your seat. The first 100 onsite attendees of our university-wide admissions talks of “JUPAS Admissions Strategies & Life@EdUHK”, “Senior Year Admissions Briefing and Programmes Overview” and “Briefing on Student-Athlete Learning Support and Admission Scheme (SALSA Scheme)” will receive a special souvenir of EdUHK Ice Mate Coll Towel. 

Date: 14 Oct 2023 (Sat)

Time: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Venue: EdUHK Campus, 10 Lo Ping Road, Tai Po

Transportation:  Free Shuttle Bus Service Between EdUHK Tai Po Campus and MTR University Station 

Register Now

View Rundown


日期: 2023年10月14日(星期六) 

時間: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

地點: 大埔露屏路十號香港教育大學

交通資訊: 免費穿梭巴士服務往返教大大埔校園及港鐵大學站 



VTC統一收生計劃 2023

JUPAS Q & A Session for Form 6

Event: JUPAS Q & A Session for Form 6

Date: 12 July 2023 (Wednesday)

Time: 4:00 -- 5:30 pm

Platform: YouTube (The YouTube link will be sent to registrants one day before the event.)

Speakers:  Representatives from The JUPAS Office, 

City University of Hong Kong (CityU), 

Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU), 

Lingnan University (LingnanU), 

The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK),

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU),

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) and 

The University of Hong Kong (HKU).


4:00 pm --  Updates from the JUPAS office and each university

4:40 pm --  Q and A Session


香港建造學院及香港都會大學聯合招生日 HKIC x HKMU Admission Day 2023

中學文憑試放榜日 重要提示 DSE Result Release Day Memo 2022-2023

DSE Result Release Day Memo 2022-2023 (CHI).pdf
DSE Result Release Day Memo 2022-2023 (Eng).pdf
Delia Tertiary Scholarship_Guidelines(CHI) updated on 20230615.pdf
Delia Tertiary Scholarship_Guidelines(ENG) updated on 20230615.pdf

「中六學生資訊專頁」助學生為文憑試放榜日作好準備"Designated Webpage for Secondary 6 Students" to help students prepare for HKDSE Examination results release day


The results of the 2023 Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) Examination will be released on July 19. To assist Secondary Six (S6) students to prepare for the release of the HKDSE Examination results, the Education Bureau (EDB) has specially produced a series of reminder infographics for 2023 HKDSE Examination results release to enable S6 students, parents, and schools to obtain the latest information on multiple pathways through the "Designated Webpage for Secondary 6 Students" (Webpage) ( in a timely manner.

浸大副學士及自資學士學位課程升學資訊日 2023 HKBU Associate Degree Programme and Self-funded Undergraduate Programme Info Day 2023

教大本科課程資訊日2023 EdUHK Faculty Info Day 2023





24 May 2023 (Wed)

9:00 am – 5:00 pm

EdUHK Tai Po Campus

Connect with EdUHK professors and students to learn more about our programmes, admissions and student life through a series of interactive activities. Sign up now to reserve your seat. The first 300 participants of our Admission Talk “Admissions Strategies & Life@EdUHK” can receive our souvenir—an EdUHK memo box.

多元出路資訊Show 2023 Information Expo on Multiple Pathways 2023

教育局將於二O二三年五月十九及二十日在九龍灣國際展貿中心舉辦「多元出路資訊SHOW 2023」,為中學畢業生提供不同出路的資訊,在規劃升學途徑及就業出路作好準備。

日期:2023年5月19及20日 (星期五及星期六)



Information Expo on Multiple Pathways 2023 (Info Expo) will be held on 19 and 20 May 2023 at the Kowloonbay International Trade & Exhibition Centre to provide information on various articulation opportunities for secondary school graduates and help them plan well for their further studies and career pathways.

 Date: 19-20 May 2023 (Friday and Saturday)

Time: 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Venue: Rotunda 2, Kowloonbay International Trade and Exhibition Centre, 1 Trademart Drive, Kowloon Bay

2022 - 2023 年度 大學聯合招生辦法JUPAS 校長推薦計劃2022-2023 JUPAS - School Principal’s Nominations

Application Form 2022-2023.docx


計劃報名截止日期為28/4/2023 17:00。填妥後請交予蘇健鋒老師。

The main objective of SPN is to give due recognition to applicants who have contributed to social services or made outstanding achievements in non-academic areas such as sports, music, social services, creative activities, other cultural activities, or who have demonstrated leadership abilities. School applicants who possess any of the above qualities or have outstanding achievements in the above areas are eligible to be considered for nominations under SPN by their school principals. Non-school applicants who possess any of the above qualities or have outstanding achievements in the above areas and wish to be nominated under SPN may approach the principals of their previous schools to seek their agreements to include them as one of the nominees of the schools. It would be at the discretion and decisions of their school principals / principals of their previous schools to nominate the appropriate applicants for such special considerations. 

Deadline: 28/4/2023 17:00. Please fill in the form and send to Mr So KF if interested.





內地高校招收香港中學文憑考試學生計劃 Scheme for Admission of Hong Kong Students to Mainland Higher Education Institutions 2023/24

中國教育交流(香港)中心為經國家教育部批准,於1999 年在香港設立的內地與香港教育交流機構。目2023年文憑試內地高校招生將要在3 月1 日-3 月31 日開始報名,為幫助學生和家長熟悉網上報名系統,解决學生網上報名繳費可能遇到的問題,讓學生、家長和教師及時瞭解升學資訊及變化,中心定於2023 年3月2 日19:00-21:00 舉辦ZOOM 視頻講座,為大家介紹2023 年以文憑試升讀內地高校報名須知,繳費流程以及審核確認原則。有意報考文憑試內地升學的人士可根據視頻會議地址在瀏覽器觀看,或者下載手機程式Zoom 觀看,具體安排如下:

視頻直播及即時問答【Zoom 會議資訊】

主題:2023 內地高校招收香港中學文憑考試學生計劃報名輔導講座

时间:2023 年3 月2 日19:00 北京,上海加入Zoom 会议

会议号:861 0089 7036



生涯規劃講座 Subject Talk on Career and Life Planning

日期/時間: 2023年3月5日(星期日) 下午5時至6時30分

地點: 香港中央圖書館

講者: 葉偉民先生 (香港輔導教師協會秘書)

機構: 香港公共圖書館與香港輔導教師協會合辦

備註: 粵語主講,免費入場,有興趣人士可於2023年2月17日(星期五)早上10時起,登入 或致電 2921 0335 留座。名額有限,先到先得,額滿即止。

Date & Time: 2023/3/5 (Sunday) 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.

Venue: Hong Kong Central Library

Speaker: Mr. IP Wai Man Raymond (Secretary of the HKACMGM)

Organiser: Jointly organised by the Hong Kong Public Libraries and the Hong Kong Association of Careers Masters and Guidance Masters

Remarks: Conducted in Cantonese. Free admission by reservation.

Reservation for the talk starts at 10 a.m. on 17.2.2023 (Fri) and can be registered online via  or by calling 2921 0335. Seats are limited. First-come-first-served.

PolyU HKCC 資訊日 PolyU HKCC Info Day

赴台升學學士班「聯合分發」(第五梯次)Taiwan Study

日期 Date:2023年2月1日 9:00 至 2023年3月15日 1 Feb 2023 0900 - 15 Mar 2023

網址 Site:

如有疑問,請聯絡曾子源老師。If you have any questions, please find Mr. Tsang TY.

世界技能大賽香港代表選拔賽 WorldSkills Hong Kong Competition 


截止報名日期:2023 年 3 月 6 日.

Jointly organised by the Vocational Training Council (VTC), the Construction Industry Council (CIC) and the Clothing Industry Training Authority (CITA), the WorldSkills Hong Kong Competition is a local skills event which provides a platform for young people to showcase skills excellence and challenge themselves against professional standards and skills.  Upon further training and selection, competitors with outstanding performance may have a chance to represent Hong Kong in WorldSkills Competition to be held in Lyon, France in September 2024.

Application Deadline: 6 March 2023

香港伍倫貢學院校長推薦入學計劃申請表UOW College HK Principal Recommended Admission Scheme 







The Principal Recommended Admission Scheme ("the Scheme") is designed to give recognition to students who have excelled in either the academic areas and/or non-academic areas such as sports, music, the arts, or community service, or who have demonstrated leadership abilities. If you are interested to apply, please complete the form and hand in to Mr. So KF by 3 Mar.


Conduct Grade: B or Above

Good Attendance Record

Good Academic Performance

Good Performance in the Interveiw



內地高校招收香港中學文憑考試學生計劃指南(2023/24學年) Handbook on the Scheme for Admission of Hong Kong Students to Mainland Higher Education Institutions (2023/24) (Chinese Version Only)

未來職場接班人—高中生職場體驗計劃 Future Workplace Leader Career Taster


Please inform Mr. So KF if you are interested to join before 24/11.