
Delia Memorial School (Hip Wo No.2 College) Career and Life Planning Team


Objective 目標

1.  In response to school development plan: strengthens student mindset and awareness on value education and life and career planning

2.  To facilitate students’ self-understanding

3.  To help students explore opportunities and constraints of study and employment as well as the options available and connect work experiences with study and career choices

4.  To advise students individually and in groups, identify students’ career development problems and needs and coach them to find, develop and review their personal plans and career goals

1.  回應學校的關注事項:增强本校學生的價值觀教育及生涯規劃教育

2 加強同學自我認識的能力

3.  提供充足的機會讓學生了解多元出路及認識不同行業

4.  照顧學生多樣性,針對非華語學生提供相關生涯規劃支援及加強高中學生在生涯規劃的個別及小組輔導

Members 成員 

Mr Heung CW 香志偉老師

Mr Li Z 黎智傑老師

Ms Lai SS 黎相相老師

Mr Tsang TY 曾子源老師

Ms Yip WY 葉穎怡老師