
Best way to reach me! Email: kgriffith@delasallehs.com

(Students can see me in the morning between 7:00-7:30 am. Please email me beforehand and let me know what you would like to chat about.)

Room 104 (Foreign Language wing)

Welcome to Sra. Griffith's Spanish classes. I currently teach Spanish 1, Honors Spanish 1 & IB Spanish B SL.

If you need to find information about your class (assignments, useful websites, projects, etc), please click on the course at the top of the site. Each page includes a calendar for the assignments and assessment dates and a folder (organized by unit) with any documents you may need for class. Please save my website in your bookmarks so that you have quick access to it everyday.

TUTORING If you seek extra help in Spanish, please speak with me personally and also check out the tutoring schedule for below (subject to change). You may go to any teacher, any time, any day that best fits your schedule. If you need more one-on-one assistance, contact me to see that you get that help.

FL Tutoring Schedule 2018-2019