Welcome to Montgomery Elementary School. You have selected this category because your family has moved into DeKalb County and your address is in the Montgomery Elementary School attendance zone. If you are unaware if your address is in Montgomery Elementary School's attendance zone, please go to the following website:
Once you have verified that your address is in Montgomery Elementary School's attendance zone, you will proceed to the following steps:
Step 1:
Start and complete an online application at
Click here for a video tutorial on how to complete the application.
Step 2:
Email Montgomery Elementary School's registrar ( to complete the registration process. In the email include your child's name and the application number. This will help expedite the enrollment process. All documents must be uploaded to the application and accurate before the Registrar can enroll the child in Montgomery Elementary School. Click here for a list of registration documents.
Step 3:
You will receive a confirmation email with information on records requests, scheduling, and staying connected for the 2023-2024 academic year.