Daily Schedule

Daily Schedule

9:00 - 9:45 Independent Study & Credit Recovery

9:50 - 10:50 2A (Independent study) / 2B (Advisory)

10:55 - 11:55 English, Math or Science

12:10 - 12:40 Lunch

12:50 - 1:50 English, Math or Science

2:15 - 3:40 5A class @HS / 5B (Ind. Study courses)

Math, Science, Social Studies, English: Here at New Reflections students will use an online, individualized program called Apex for independent study courses in Math, Science, English, Social Studies and other electives.  Students are expected to spend a minimum of 1 hour each day, for each course, in order to maintain and progress efficiently through the programs. There are also teacher-taught classes for credit recovery in English, Math and Social Studies.

Independent Work: The success of this program relies heavily on daily attendance and the student's ability to work independently and progress at an efficient pace through independent work to recover lost credits and gain new credits. The expectation during academic time is that students are reaching their set goals and making strides within their courses.  Students will work through courses online, in text books, or with individualized projects.