College Programs for Students with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Cutting Edge

The Cutting Edge® Program at Edgewood College was piloted in 2007. It was the first program at a four-year college in Wisconsin to offer a fully inclusive college experience for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Since its inception, the program has continued to grow and offers individualized wrap-around services to support students in academics, student housing, social experiences, and practicums/internships. We currently support 28 students per academic year.

UW-Whitewater LIFE Program

The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater LIFE (Learning is for Everyone) Program provides a complete college experience for young adults between the ages of 18-25 who have an intellectual disability. With ample supports, specialized instruction, on-campus residential living, and community integration, the program serves a critical need by providing access and opportunity for students who have historically been underrepresented in higher education. The program has two components, which includes a Basic Program (2 years) and an Advanced Program (2 years) that are designed to facilitate personal growth, independent living, and employment success.

Shepherds College - Union Grove, WI

Shepherds College is the nation's leading post-secondary school created with the learning needs of students with intellectual and developmental disabilities in mind.

When you learn in an environment designed specifically for you, you thrive

AbleLight College of Applied Learning

AbleLight College of Applied Learning provides students with intellectual and developmental disabilities the opportunity to turn their dreams of a college education into a reality.

From Dreams to Opportunities