Family Information

Brrrr..... it's cold on the playground!

Even when it doesn't seem that cold on the way to the car or bus stop, it is much colder on the playground. The open fields around us mean we have lots of wind! Please send a jacket or coat with your child everyday. We go outside any day it isn't raining or below 20 degrees! Remember, students are not allowed to wear shorts after September.

Coats get left behind all the time- make sure your coat doesn't end up in the lost & (never) found by writing your child's first and last name inside. Thanks!

Cafeteria Information

Lunch Menu:

Add money to your child's lunch account: :

Your child's lunch number is on the bottom front of their folder.

Please complete your forms for free or reduced lunch as soon as possible!The Covid-Relief Free lunch for all program has ended!

Birthday Celebrations

Families are welcome to send treats for the class. Please send individually wrapped treats such as chips, Little Debbie type snacks, or cookies. If you would like to send drinks, please send juice boxes or pouches.

Please do not send cupcakes! The frosting stains the carpet and is very messy in the classroom. Thanks!


Our homework is to read for 15 minutes (or more) every week day. On the back of your child's blue folder there is a calendar for them to color to show that they read for the day. Research shows that reading with and to your child everyday has the greatest impact on their success. Reading with your child now has positive effects that last through high school!

Gym Shoes

If your child doesn't wear gym shoes everyday, please send a pair for them the leave in their locker for gym and recess. Our playground is covered in mulch and it gets inside sandals and can cut your child's feet.

Sign Up For Remind

Keep in touch! The Remind App lets me send you reminders and you can text me.

Start by sending a text to the number 81010 with the message @207des

Please put your child's name next to yours!

You can also download the app if you would like to text me using Remind. Our class code is 207des.