Holly's Health Office

Dear May Moore Families,

Nurse Giovi is back for year 9 at MM and so happy to welcome you back for our 2024-2025 school year! I am looking forward to working with each of you to ensure that this year is both healthy and safe for every member of the May Moore Family. 

Our Health Center serves the needs of sick and injured students, faculty and staff. If, at any time, you feel a need to discuss the health of your child, please do not hesitate to contact me. We can schedule a meeting and also coordinate a time with your child's teacher(s) if you would prefer to include them in our discussion.

As the school year begins, I would like to remind you of some important school policies to make note of:

• Updated Health History:

Attached is a document, please fill out and return to the health office. 

This is for the parent/guardian to fill out NOT your medical provider.

• Physicals: 

all NEW STUDENTS and incoming 1st graders, please submit a health physical dated anytime after 7/1/2023. Any not received by the end of week 2 of school will receive a reminder.

• Medications:

If your child requires administration of daily or as-needed medications during school hours, please complete and return the required DPSD form (on website) completed/signed by parent and signed by your medical practitioner. This includes all medical provider prescribed medications and any over-the-counter meds such as Tylenol, Ibuprofen, and creams. 

Please note the following:

- A separate form set is required for each medication.

- Consent applies for the duration of the current school year only.

- Medications must be provided in the original sealed container.

- These forms are good for the current school year only - new ones are required annually.

• Injury or Illness and Fever: 

Call or email (maymooremo@deerparkschools.org) attendance each and every time for notification of an absence, lateness or for an early dismissal. 

Occasionally, it may be necessary for a student to remain home from school due to illness. Following a bout of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or fever, your student should stay at home and be observed for further symptoms. Fever is defined as a temperature of 100.4 or above, as measured without the use of fever-reducing medication. Although a COVID test is now NOT necessary for your return to school, it is also advisable for your student to forgo attendance if there are symptoms of sore throat with or without a fever, chills, a persistent and productive cough, ear pain, discharge or redness of eye(s), or unusual skin eruptions/rashes. Please remember that prior to returning to school, your student’s temperature should remain within a normal range (97.0-100.0) for 24 hours - without the use of fever-reducing medication. If injured or hospitalized and required additional medical follow up please send the student back to school with documentation of the health visit and instructions.  

• Annual Hearing and Vision Screening- (if not noted on health physical). Both of these events will begin during the 2023 Fall Trimester for all new students and those in 1st grade. Annual Ophthalmologist Visits are highly recommended even with a normal screening, as it is now reported 1 in 4 students have a diagnosed visual impairment.

• Supplies & Housekeeping:

-All PK & KG students should have a 2nd set of labeled clothing in a bag that will be kept in the classroom at all times in the event of accidents, mud, or spills.

-The Health office will be accepting donations of sweat pants, shorts, and leggings only. Sizes 4 - 14

-New Underwear donations are also always welcomed.

-SHOES - only sneakers please, no sandals, crocks, high heels or flip flops. Even on non gym days, hopefully they will be playing outside at recess everyday!

-PLEASE Update your Infinite Campus Demographic information, please include emergency contacts in the event you will not be available for an urgent pick up from school in the event of illness or injury.

-Please set up your cell voicemail and if it's set up please make sure your voicemail box is not full

• COVID update:

Please continue to report students who are CV+.  Effective March 1, 2024 the CDC recommends that COVID-positive individuals isolate until: (1) they are fever-free for 24 hours without the assistance of medication, and (2) their symptoms are improving.

• Attendance:

I know our students are young, but chronic absenteeism is linked to so many challenges later in their school years. "Legal" absences are still absences so please try your best to schedule doctor appointments, vacations, and family visits outside of school hours. Once 10% absenteeism is reached a letter will go home. However this is not an indication to send students to school unwell. Please reach out to the health office so we can achieve optimum attendance. Communication is paramount and many times we can come up with solutions together. 

In closing, I would like to encourage you to make sure that your student gets plenty of nightly rest and begins each new day with breakfast. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that school age children sleep 9 to 12 hours per 24 hours on a regular basis to promote optimal health. 

Many mid-morning headaches and stomachaches are due to rushing out of the door without eating breakfast. Starting every day with a nutritious meal will help your child feel more alert, focused, and ready to learn. Also packing a healthy snack daily will reward your child greatly over the course of their learning time. 

• Free & Reduced Breakfast & Lunch:

Thanks to a grant received - All students currently are eligible for Free Breakfast & Lunch daily.

Wishing you all a healthy and safe school year,

Nurse Giovi



Holly Giovi RN

May Moore Elementary School *239 Central Avenue *Deer Park, NY 11729 

*Office (631) 274-4480