
Mrs. Tammy Alcalde

Principal of
May Moore Primary

Mr. Philip Paniccia

District Administrator
Preschool & Elementary Special Education

Ms. Kimberly Essig

Associate Principal of
May Moore Primary

Dr. Danielle Sheridan

District Administrator
Elementary Curriculum & Instruction

Mr. Matthew Comiskey

District-Wide Associate Principal For ARP-ESSER Data & Grant Funded Programs

Principal's Message by Mrs. Alcalde:

May Moore Mission:

It is our mission at May Moore Primary to provide a developmentally appropriate constructivist education, within a safe, caring and nurturing learning environment.  Our staff and administration are child-centered and forward thinking. We actively build upon children's natural curiosity to create a strong educational foundation.  We strive to provide for the unique academic, physical, social and emotional needs of our diverse population by fostering a love of learning, awareness of self and others, and a sense of accomplishment.  We accept this responsibility in partnership with families, our community and the State of New York.

May Moore Vision:

Our school community is committed to challenging each student to meet his/her maximum potential academically, socially and emotionally. Rich and varied learning experiences based upon the New York State Next Generation Learning Standards provide the scaffold for student college and career readiness. Our teachers strive to meet the needs of all students through differentiated instruction and in having high expectations for all students.  We take pride in creating critical thinkers, problem solvers, effective communicators and fostering lifelong learners with the ability to work cooperatively. We will provide students with a strong academic foundation and the ability to be responsible, contributing citizens of our community and productive members of the 21st Century.

Step inside May Moore and you will see a school full of amazing energy and enthusiasm.  Our faculty has a wonderful blend of professionalism, creativity and genuine love for children.  Combine this with the diverse group of boys and girls who are placed in our care and you have a winning combination! May Moore is a second home of extended family.

Here at May Moore, we are proud of the positive learning environment we have created that is both effective and meaningful.  Our goal will always be to develop lifelong learners with enhanced academic ability, strong character and a promising sense of discovery.  We aim to maximize the potential of every single boy and girl we are fortunate to teach.

Mrs. Alcalde's Office-MM

Visit Mrs. Alcalde's Office