Central Registration
Non-Public Requesting Transportation and Textbooks
for 2025-2026
Abraham Lincoln School
300 Park Avenue
Deer Park, New York 11729
Phone: 631-274-4372
Fax: 631-274-8867
The Registrar's office is by appointment only.
Please contact via email or by phone with any questions.
Hours: 8:30AM – 3:30PM
Summer Hours: 8:30AM – 1:30PM
New York State Education Law requires parents requesting transportation for their children to non-public schools for
September 2025, must apply in writing by Tuesday, April 1, 2025.
For the 2025-2026 school year, please complete the Transportation and Textbook Request form and
email it to centralreg@deerparkschools.org with the subject line “Transportation and Textbooks 25-26”.
Central Registration will forward the completed form to the Transportation Department.
Is your family NEW to Deer Park Schools? Welcome! Click here to start the registration process.
Online registration is now available for new Deer Park families.
Documents must be uploaded from a desktop or laptop computer. Mobile devices (smartphones and tablets) are NOT supported and could impact the process of this application. *Please use Firefox as your browser when completing your application.
Click Here for a list of required documents and forms
Click Here for Documents and Forms Checklist
To access the online registration application, please click the link below.
Online Registration Link for New Deer Park students
Please be sure to complete all necessary parts of the application and electronically sign where needed. Do not use all caps.
Are you a CURRENT Deer Park Schools family that needs to register additional children? Click here to start the registration process.
Online registration is now available for in Infinite Campus Parent Portal for new students.
To access the application, log in to your Infinite Campus Parent Portal account and click More (left-hand menu) and click Online Registration.
Need help accessing account, email parentportal@deerparkschools.org
Documents must be uploaded from a desktop or laptop computer. Mobile devices (smartphones and tablets) are NOT supported and could impact the process of this application.
Click Here for a list of required documents and forms
Click Here for Documents and Forms Checklist
To access the online registration application, please click the link below.
Online Registration Link for Additional Deer Park students
Please be sure to complete all necessary parts of the application and electronically sign where needed. Do not use all caps.