Mrs. Daigle

Second Grade


About the Teacher

Hi! I am Kathy Daigle, and I am very excited to be teaching second grade at the Dedham School!  Previously, I taught third through sixth grade in CT, MA and FL. I have always loved teaching and motivating kids to do their best. I want school to be a place they look forward to coming to each & every day. 

In second grade we will read wonderful books, write lots of stories, further our mathematical abilities, explore science & learn about the world around us! We have a program throughout the year called Mystery Reader where readers come in to read a favorite picture book of their choice to our class. It is always a surprise on who it is and the kids love it.  We will also be studying butterflies and raising them in our class!

I grew up in CT and spent my summers on Phillips Lake. My husband Brian and I decided to move to Maine permanently in 2020, and we have really enjoyed living here. The Dedham community is extra special and we are happy to be a part of it! 

We have four children named Rob, Ellie, Thomas and Kiersten. Rob and Ellie live and work in Boston, Thomas is a senior at Curry College in MA and Kiersten is a sophomore at John Bapst. She attended Dedham School for her eighth grade year and loved it.

In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my family, fishing, walking, reading, and exploring new places to visit in Maine.

We have two Golden Retrievers named Millie & Hannah and a cat named Phillip. They are like the three musketeers, and the children will hear lots of stories about their antics!

Second grade rocks, and we are going to have a wonderful year together! Please feel free to reach out to me anytime at