How to Avoid Awkward Silence in a Hybrid Environment

Student Engagement and Collaboration in a Hybrid Learning Environment

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Are you waiting for somebody to say something!!?? (other than you of course!) One of the toughest parts about the hybrid learning environment is getting students to share their thoughts and stay engaged. In this session, you'll find some strategies that we've discovered to make this wacky year feel a little more like normal.

Differentiating is difficult enough with the abilities in your classroom. But how do you deal with the pressures of teaching through a pandemic? What about the students at home vs. the student in person? How can you manage both AND keep them engaged?

With students of varying abilities, new teaching/physical challenges, and the students who have trouble focusing, it's not an easy task to maintain a collaborative, engaging classroom. Enter playlists, choice boards, and discussion forums. Each of these allows for students to continue and reinforce the curriculum material at their pace (and what works for you) while managing a hybrid learning environment. Learn how to engage students further with the material instead of just scraping the surface.