ECHO Magazine

Winter Writing Prompts

Write a scenic poem about winter

Write about family traditions in the winter

Take a scenic photo on a snowy day

The ECHO Magazine staff encourages you to follow one or more of these prompts in your free time and once finished, email the results to Mrs. Rocha at for publishing.

Spring 2022 Digital Bonus Issue

Renee Saint-Amour

Noah Bauman

Finn B. Radner

Makayla Cooke

Spring 2022 Issue

ECHO Magazine 2022.pdf

About Us

Dedham High School’s ECHO Magazine is an electronically published literary magazine devoted to creativity at DHS. ECHO showcases students’ creative writing, art, and photography, along with engaging students in the process of submitting, selecting, and editing work to be published and designing each issue. The website is designed to allow the continuous sharing of writing and artwork throughout the year to celebrate all the creative talent at DHS.

All students are invited to join the editorial team. Meetings are typically held twice a month in room A202. Listen for announcements.

Students who are interested in submitting writing and artwork for the publication can email it to club advisor Mrs. Rocha at

Meet The Staff

Finn B. Radner - Editor in Chief

Isabella Annatone - Assistant Editor in Chief

Mrs. Rocha - Advisor

Christopher MacDougall - Senior Editor

Mary Sullivan - Editor

Bianca Forbes - Editor

Siara Bishop - Editor

Clara Kairouz - Editor

Isabelle Jakupi - Editor

Leila Smadi - Editor in Chief

Colin Finkel

Clarissa Soda

Devlin Jones

Hilen Miralda

Alayna Cepeda

Lucy Auger

Yoana-Marie Rodriguez

Alondra Msallem - Editor in Chief

Carly Paul

RJ Goode

Eleanor Pearrow

Kaitlyn Naddaff - Editor in Chief

Olivia West

Allison Stearns

Joanne Hatch

Maggie Rocha

Victoria Gonzales

Chasey Gentile

Leen Nestant

Chaissa Hudson

Kevin Paul

Sean Johnson

Meg Downing

Medes Anquila T. Esteban

Aidan Flaherty

Michael Curvin

Cody Sweetsir

Jade Sao

Desire Calderon