Vikings Media Center

March Lessons in the Media Center

These are some of the things we will be doing through the month of March:

Special Book Reading For All Grades

Next month, the solar eclipse will happen on April 8th, which is an e-learning day for Decatur Township. In preparations for the big event, I will be reading a book to all the grades, called Eclipse by Andy Rash, starting next week.  You can find the book on YouTube, if you would like to watch with your student, just hit this link

Viking Reading Challenge For March

The March Reading Challenge is up and ready to be printed out for your student. The Media Center also has a few challenges already printed out for students that need it.

Kindergarten - 2nd Grade

3rd - 6th Grades

It's Book Fair Time Again!

The 2nd semester book fair begins February 5th and ends February 9th. Each class will get to shop during their Specials time period. On Friday, the 9th, only students that were absent when their class shopped can come down and shop. Hope to see you there at the book fair!

February Lessons in the Media Center

5th & 6th grade:

3rd & 4th grade:

1st & 2nd grade:


Viking Reading Challenges For February

The Reading Challenges for February are up and ready for the students! December and January's challenges are in the Drive, as well. Students are not required to do those 2 months since they were put up late.

Starting a Reading Habit

I like to read. Pretty obvious, considering my choice of job! My love of reading started at a very young age and even though some years I find it hard to reach my reading goals on Goodreads, I still manage to find the time to read. But what if you are someone that wants to read more books, but because of job schedules, your kids' afternoon schedules, there's little time left between getting the kids to bed and flinging your tired, stressed body into bed for a few of those zzz's before you have to get up the next morning and start all over again.

My advice is have a goal. Start your reading goal small, like one book a month. Most public libraries have the initial checkout period of 2-3 weeks.  My second piece of advice is don't beat yourself up if don't meet your goal. Sometimes LIFE gets in the way and you're too tired to read.  There are all kinds of benefits to having a regular reading habit, getting started is half the battle, but don't take my word for it, here are some helpful links that can help you get started.

September Swings into October

School is in full swing and we're all getting into the routine a little easier than before in August. We had our Book Fair at the beginning of the month and it was successful! After I finished being sick, the students and I began talking about Digital Citzenship and how to be safe on the internet. We are setting up our MyOn account (a reading app) and will be discussing the different types of genres in the library. In October, we'll be learning how to use the online-school library catalog, Destiny Discover and delving deeper into the Dewey Decimal System. 

Some of our students, reading on the Epic! App for quiet reading time! 

September Reading Challengers!

Our September Reading Challengers were Conor M., Carter S., Layla S., and Layla S. Three of the students are from Miss Carbonara's class! Congratulations to our awesome readers! October's Reading Challenge will be ready to download the first week of October, before we leave for Fall Break. Here's the links: K-2nd Grade and  3rd - 6th grade.