Executive Summary
SDES Description
South Decatur Elementary is a preschool-6th public school housing 450 students and approximately 70 staff. It is one of two elementary schools in the Decatur County Community School Corporation. Southern Decatur County, though mostly rural, is surrounded by communities of stabilized growth. According to the 2021 Census.gov data, diversity in Decatur County was minimal with 94.4 % classified as Caucasian. The poverty rate in 2021 was 9.9%. However, according to IDOE INview data, and due to the location of SDES, 58.2% of students are classified as economically disadvantaged.
SDES facilities include: 30 classrooms, a gymnasium/stage, media center, music room, art room, Title 1 rooms, preschool, special education rooms, speech room, cafeteria, STEM lab, and office suite. In 2011, South Decatur received a $1.9 million Qualified Zone Academy Bond (QZAB) for updates. During 2013-2014, SDES implemented a 1:1 initiative in technology to provide each student with an iPad (replaced by newer models twice since). In 2019 (extending into 2021-2022), the building again received many renovations. In January 2023, the 6th grade iPads were replaced with Chromebooks. In August 2023, the 4th/5th grade iPads were replaced with Chromebooks. Teachers use iPads and Chromebooks to integrate technology into their lessons. Each classroom is equipped with a desktop computer, ceiling projector, ceiling speakers, and an Apple TV. This allows for wireless use of technology. All classrooms, and other locations, have a wireless access point. For several years our corporation had a Technology Integration Specialist to assist and train teachers over integrating technology. This TIS also visited classrooms to help teach computer science. Furthermore, several other opportunities are provided to staff for further technology PD.
SDES obtained certification for Level 1 of the High Reliability Schools model in 2017. Professional Learning Communities have been implemented, and teams meet every Wednesday during early dismissal. Level 2 HRS Certification was achieved during 2020-2021, focusing on: Effective Teaching in Every Classroom.
The SDES curriculum is based on Indiana Academic Standards and is supplemented with special programs and methods that enrich our curriculum. We use programs such as Study Island, NWEA, IXL, Reflex, Generation Genius, Kahoot, etc. Canvas and Seesaw are used as our Learning Management Systems. Teachers and administration have completed pacing guides based on state standards. Math is taught in units based on priority standards. In addition to weekly PLC time, each grade level collaborates at least once a week regarding data, plans, and student growth.
Our Title I program provides assistance to students through differentiated reading and math groups. They lead Tier 2 intervention groups such as Voyager, Leveled Literacy Intervention, Corrective Reading, Study Island, Wilson Reading, Fundations K-3, Countdown Reading, Just Words, and RAV-O. They also offer Tier 3 interventions.
Our staff works to ensure that students struggling to meet standard expectations in the classroom are provided with additional assistance. We use the MTSS process to identify students who are experiencing difficulty mastering standards. An MTSS committee meets weekly to discuss and plan accordingly for the students submitted to the process. SDES uses a PBIS model, and our guidance department provides regular SEL lessons to help our students become well-rounded, healthy, responsible citizens. Our PBIS model focuses on being Safe, Respectful, and Responsible.
Quarterly data meetings are held to analyze assessment data. This data is used to plan effective and differentiated instruction. Classroom teachers, Title 1, Special Education, and building administrators collaborate and formulate plans to correct any deficiencies based on data. Teachers share ideas and construct hands-on materials to meet student needs.
Our PTO helps provide students and teachers with materials they need through fundraisers and other events. They allow us to give students hands-on experience by paying for all students to attend at least one field trip each year. We provide students with many extra curricular and after school opportunities such as basketball, Girls on the Run, drama, family nights, STEM events, Student Council, National Honor Society, Friends of Rachel club, etc. Outside organizations use our building to provide our students with other opportunities, including: Scouts, Good News Club, travel basketball, archery, and others.
South Decatur is a community hub for education, events, and family-friendly activities. Our staff and facilities provide our community with educational opportunities, support, guidance, and kindness. We strive to be a beacon of motivation and inspiration for our small area of Indiana, and we hope that our positive influence spreads throughout the world as our students grow and become inspirations themselves.
SDES STEM Focus & Program
The STEM initiative at SDES consists of three main goals: Provide weekly STEM lessons via a STEM specials rotation; Provide teachers with a STEM coach; and Provide a variety of materials to teachers and students to use for STEM. We recognize that skills acquired through STEM make our students better. With STEM best practices, we know students can become more collaborative, creative, observant, and prepared for the future. Integrating, even basic use, of STEM best practices into all subjects can have a profound and positive effect.
Hands-on learning and real-world application have always been important to the goals of SDES. Prior to HRS Level 1 certification, our teachers worked hard to implement the 43 elements identified by Dr. Marzano. At that time, all certified staff collaborated and brainstormed to create classroom non-negotiables (including collaborative groups and technology integration), develop a sound professional learning community model (PLC), and more.
Our teachers have always had a focus on STEM learning and best practices. Our primary grades work hard to provide students with manipulatives and plan many hands-on experiences for lessons throughout the year. They conduct STEM activities in conjunction with many themes, events, and holidays such as Johnny Appleseed, pumpkins, butterflies, animals, 100 days of school, Dr. Seuss, President's Day, etc. Our intermediate teachers have always excelled at teaching critical thinking as well as providing students hands-on activities. They experiment with simple machines, states of matter, small-scale electrical projects, Earth and space themed units, etc. They provide real world projects for mathematics such as designing 3D models of cities with specific areas and volumes, creating dog bandanas for local animal shelters focusing on fabric yards and area, and using capacity tools to measure liquid/dry ingredients for a purpose such as making slime. Furthermore, until 2021, a full-time Technology Integration Specialist helped teachers incorporate computer science, digital citizenship, and general STEM best practices.
As a natural extension, SDES began a STEM initiative during 2019-2020. At that point, this additional focus on STEM was a quarterly rotation in which all students in the building participated. This time was schedule into the available certified specials teachers' day. These teachers were trained in PLTW, and used PLTW kits.
During the first year of this initiative, Covid 19 closed down school, and the teachers worked STEM into their online lessons, as they would have in homerooms. This continued for 2020-2021. STEM was implemented in homerooms as proper distancing was required and the sharing of materials was discouraged. During the 21-22 school year, the certified specials teachers were once again brought in to lead a specials rotation (three different teachers each taught one full day of STEM for this to be possible). Realizing the growing importance of STEM, the STEM rotation became a weekly 45 minute special for all students. PLTW was once again used, as well as lessons developed by our specials teachers to align with the Indiana state math and science standards. This program was well received, and students benefitted from the weekly STEM rotation.
The 22-23 school year brought some staff movement with retirements and open positions. During this school year, a single teacher was designated STEM teacher. This teacher had extensive training and knowledge in areas of STEM due to having been the school's Technology Integration Specialist for eight years. She now teaches the 45 minute weekly STEM rotation to all the students in our building. Her schedule allows her to be open for one and one-half days each week to help co-plan/teach/model STEM lessons with homeroom teachers. Each week, various teachers sign up to have her visit their classrooms and integrate STEM.. This built in time also allows her to work on submitting STEM grants that help SDES gain more STEM materials for students and teachers to use. Furthermore, she uses this time to plan extra-curricular STEM activities such as 6th Grade STEM Space Night, SDES STEM Fair, Robotics, etc.
With the goal of becoming STEM certified, SDES has been working hard to document the nearly innumerable ways we integrate STEM and STEM best practices into our daily schedules. SDES realizes the importance of STEM education and how imperative more STEM exposure is to our future workforce. We will continue to improve and expand upon our STEM program and work together to provide our students with the skills they need to thrive in a world where the fields of science, engineering, technology, and mathematics grow exponentially. We love our students. We are committed to incorporating and implementing what is best for them and their futures.