STEaM Success Files 2016-17

This success file was created by the Graduates of the Deal School to showcase our greatest lessons, learning, and best works. We have included the things we never want to lose from our time here together. Please spend some time exploring and sharing in our memories.

How can I, in the finite moments I have with each child,

support them as they are

and guide them to who they might become?

Collaborative Learning Communities

When we are willing to abandon our self-protective professional autonomy and make ourselves as dependent on our students as they are on us, we move closer to the interdependence that the community of truth requires. When we can say “please” because we need our students and “thank you” because we are genuinely grateful for them, obstacles to community will begin to fall away, teachers and students will meet at new depths of mutuality and meaning, and learning will happen for everyone in surprising and life-giving ways (Palmer, 2007).