Social Studies standards

Social Studies Inquiry Practices and Processes Advances in human knowledge come about not because people can memorize facts or were great at filling out worksheets in school; rather, they come about when people ask questions and pursue those questions in reasoned self-critical ways. This is the essence of inquiry, beginning with questions to be answered and the work needed to begin to answer them
Behavioral Sciences Strand - Learning about the behavioral sciences helps students understand people in various times and places. By examining cultures, students are able to compare our ways of life and those of other groups of people in the past and present. As citizens, students need to know how institutions are maintained or changed and how they influence individuals, Wisconsin Standards for Social Studies 9 cultures, and societies. Knowledge of the factors that contribute to an individual’s uniqueness is essential to understanding the influence on self and on others.
Economics Strand - Individuals, families, businesses, and governments must make complex economic choices as they decide what goods and services to provide and how to allocate limited resources for distribution and consumption. In a global economy marked by rapid technological change, students must learn how to be better producers, consumers, and economic citizens.
Geography Strand - Students gain geographical perspectives of the world by studying the earth and the interactions of people with places where they live, work, and play. Knowledge of geography helps students to address the various cultural, economic, social, and civic implications of life in earth’s many environments.

History Strand - Students need to understand their historical roots and others', and how past events have shaped their world. In developing these insights, students must know what life was like in the past and how things change and develop over time. Reconstructing and interpreting historical events provides a needed perspective in addressing the past, the present, and the future.
Political Science Strand - Knowledge about the structures of power, authority, and governance and their evolving functions in contemporary society is essential if young citizens are to develop civic responsibility. Young people become more effective citizens and problem solvers when they know how local, state, and national governments and international organizations functions and interactions.

Where will all this take you? What new adventures will you take?

Mrs. Chloe Barbosa

6th and 7th Grade Social Studiescbarbosa@ddschools.org262-233-6561 Room 179


Mrs. Laura Prado

7th Grade ESL, ELA, and Social Studies Educatorlprado@ddschools.org262-233-6524