4th Grade Science

Skills to Know

Earth and Space Science

Physical Science

Under the Sun - Energy

Life Science

Under the Sun - Adaptations

Under the Sun Habitats-Adaptation 

Pollution and Conservation

Activities to Try

Earth and Space Science

Learning Target: How do I explain the physical attributes of rocks and soils? 

Explain the physical features of sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic rock.  You will create the rock cycle and explain how rocks are created.  Using your knowledge from 3rd grade, create the rock cycle on a sheet of paper.  Use THIS LINK as a resource to help create the rock cycle.  

Learning Target:  How do I describe the sequence and conditions required for an organism to become fossilized? 

You learned about the types of fossils in 3rd grade.  Some of the types include Mold Fossil, Preserved Fossil, Trace Fossil, Cast Fossil, and Petrified Fossil.  In this activity, choose 4 out of 5 fossils.  Illustrate and explain the steps of how the fossils are formed.  After you complete the illustration and steps, write two paragraphs:

Physical Science

Learning Target:  How do I communicate the information about the ways heat energy is transferred and measured? 

Try this idea from GaDOE:

In the kitchen with a trusted adult, look at a recipe, and help bake a cake or cook a meal that goes in the oven.  You want to pay attention to the measurements and how much time will be used to cook the food.  Use your 5 senses to make observations of how things change.  As you observe, answer these questions:

Life Science

Learning Target: How do I construct an explanation of how external features and adaptations (camouflage, hibernation, migration, mimicry) of animals allow them to survive in their habitat?  

Create a table explaining the habitat of the following animals: salamander, white-tailed deer, bobcat, and turtle. In your table list the following topics: living conditions, food, and their adaptations (camouflage, hibernation, migration, mimicry).   Discuss the following ideas with a family member:

Learning Target: How do I learn new information as I read? 

Choose a book from the list below.  Before you begin reading, make a prediction about the book based on the title and illustration (picture).   List three questions that you wonder or want to know more about after reading the book.  Once you have written your prediction and your three questions,  take a picture walk.  A picture walk is when you view the pictures and discuss what is taking place on each page.  Now, it is time to read the book.  After you have finished reading, go back and look at your prediction and questions.  

Science Books on myOn

Earth and Space Science

Physical Science

Life Science

Extra Readings

Science Resources