3rd Grade Science

Skills to Know

Earth and Space Science

Patterns in Day and Night

What is Matter and How does it change?

Physical Science

Forces at Work

Life Science

Stability & Change in Plants and Animals

Activities to Try

Earth and Space Science

Learning Target: How do develop an understanding of the patterns of the sun and the moon and the sun's effect on Earth.

Start a log on the appearance of the moon.  In the log, you will record observations of how the moon changes over time.  This observation will take place for 5 days (Monday-Friday).   Each day, observe the moon, draw a picture of it, and write 1 to 2 sentences about how it looks and how it has changed.   At the end of the five days, talk time with a family member about the changes you notice. 

Physical Science

Learning Target: How do I demonstrate and explain the effect of a force (a push or a pull) in the movement of an object (changes in speed and direction)?

In this investigation, you will find two different types of paper.  Make a plane using each sheet of paper.  Then make a prediction about how far each plane will fly.  After your prediction is recorded, then conduct your test for each plane.  Use a tape measure to measure how far each plane flew.   Then answer the following question and complete the next step to improve your design. 

Life Science

Learning Target: How do I explain an animal's role in dispersing seeds or in the pollination of plants? 

Watch the  Bee Movie.  As you watch the movie, record how bees help the environment. What did you notice about the bees when they were able to pollinate?  What happened to the environment when the bees were not able to pollinate.   Discuss what you learned about bees and how they help the environment with a family member. 

Learning Target: How do I communicate about the life cycles of different organisms? 

Research the life cycle of an animal or plant.  Then on a sheet of paper, you will illustrate and label the life cycle of the animal or plant.   Explain the steps of the life cycle in your own words.   

Learning Target: How do I learn new information as I read? 

Choose a book from the list below.  Before you begin reading, make a prediction about the book based on the title and illustration (picture).   List three questions that you wonder or want to know more about after reading the book.  Once you have written your prediction and your 3 questions,  take a picture walk.  A picture walk is when  you view the pictures and discuss what is taking place on each page.  Now, it is time to read the book.  After you have finished reading, go back and look at your prediction and questions.  

Science About Me - List the following: Inherited Eye Color, Favorite Animal, Favorite Learned Behavior and Favorite source of energy(food). 

Science Books on myOn

Earth and Space Science

Physical Science

Life Science

Extra Readings

Science Resources