2nd Grade Science

Skills to Know

Earth and Space


Physical Science

Light and Sound


Life Science 

Activities to Try

Earth and Space Science

Learning Target: How do I identify forms of precipitation such as rain, snow, sleet, and hailstones as either solid(ice) or liquid (water)?  

Water Power - You will need three Styrofoam cups. Put equal amounts of water in each cup. Make a prediction about each cup of water.  Put one cup in the freezer, one in the refrigerator, and leave one on the kitchen counter. After two hours, observe both cups and check your prediction.  Then use your five senses to compare the water in each cup.

Physical Science

Learning Target: How do I obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to investigate light and sound? 

Light and Sound are EVERYWHERE!  This task you will complete outside at two different times (morning and evening with your parent or guardian). You will sit quietly in the front or back yard.  You will close your eyes and listen to all the different sounds around you (birds, bees, animals, music, etc.).  Then open your eyes and view the types of light around.    List those items on your paper. Next, complete the same task in the evening. Then discuss your task with a family member; tell the family member about the similarities and differences between the morning and evening.    

Learning Target: 

Scientists use diagrams to communicate information. Magnets repel and attract.  Create a diagram of a magnet.  Remember to use your vocabulary terms (attract, repel, north pole, and south pole).  You will draw a picture, label the parts of the picture and give it a title.  Write a brief description of how a magnet is used in everyday life.  (Everyday usage includes refrigerator magnets, toys, magnetic latches, etc.)

Life Science

Learning Target:  How do I collect data on living or non-living things? 

Nature Walk Time. Take a walk outdoors in the neighborhood or your backyard. Create an observation table. Use the observation table to log what you see, hear, smell, and feel; write at least 1-2 sentences daily for 5 days. While you are on your walks, try to find a plant or small animal.  Include drawing and writing about the plant or animal and its living conditions in your log.  After the five days, answer these questions: 

Learning Target:  How do I learn new information as I read? 

Choose a book from the list below.  Before you begin reading, make a prediction about the book based on the title and illustration (picture).   List three questions that you wonder or want to know more about after reading the book.  Once you have written your prediction and your three questions,  take a picture walk.  A picture walk is when you view the pictures and discuss what is taking place on each page.  Now, it is time to read the book.  After you have finished reading, go back and look at your prediction and questions.  

Science Resources