1st Grade Science

Skills to Know

Earth and Space 

Time, Patterns, Organisms


Physical Science 


Physical Attributes

Life Science

             Living and Non-Living Things

Activities to Try

compare and contrast Venn Diagram.png

Venn Diagram

Earth and Space Science

Learning Target: How do I collect data about time patterns using day and night? 

Today you will start a DAY and NIGHT Log.  In the log, you will chart what happens outside during the day and night.  This log will be used for drawing pictures and writing 1 to 2 sentences about how the day and night look and feel outside.  You are looking for changes in the sky and the areas around you.  You will chart your observations for five days (Monday-Friday).  At the end of the five days, talk with your student about the similarities and differences (compare and contrast ) that you observed. 

Learning Target:  How do I classify different objects based on color, size, weight, and texture? 

Classify the shoes in your closet.  When you are sorting or classifying, look at the color, size, weight, and texture.   Make a Venn Diagram to compare and contrast the different shoes for you and your family member.   

Learning Target: How do I compare and contrast a sunrise and sunset? 

What do you think about sunsets and sunrises?  How do they look?  What do you think about it when you see it happening?  Make a Venn Diagram to compare and contrast your observations during the different times.  Identify three similarities and differences between sunrise and sunset. Happy Viewing!

Physical Science

Learning Target: How do I communicate different types of motion? 

Science is life! Take a tour of your home. List 6 to 8  things that you can toss, drop, push, and pull in your home.   Here are some examples that you can use that may be around your house (marbles, toys, cars, wagons, aluminum cans, paper towel tubes, film canisters, books, blocks, water bottles, wooden cylinders, wind-up toys, yo-yo, spring toys, pinwheels, etc.).  Using a T-Chart, you will make your predictions about the items.   Then test the items to see if your predictions were correct.  

Life Science

Learning Target: How do I study and observe living and non-living things? 

Nature Walk Time. Take a walk outdoors in the neighborhood or in your backyard. You will find a plant or small animal to observe for five days.  You will create a log for observing the plant or small animal in its environment and or its condition.   During your observation, you will illustrate and write 1-2 sentences based on your observation each day.  

Learning Target: How do I learn new information as I read? 

Choose a book from the list below.  Before you begin reading, make a prediction about the book based on the title and illustration (picture).   List three questions that you wonder or want to know more about after reading the book.  Once you have written your prediction and your three questions,  take a picture walk.  A picture walk is when you view the pictures and discuss what is taking place on each page.  Now, it is time to read the book.  After you have finished reading, go back and look at your prediction and questions.  

Science Resources