Meet your Teacher. 

301: Mrs. Zimmerman 

302: Ms. Wells 

303: Ms. Brown

3rd grade Class supply list: 

5 composition books *One for each subject* (Math, ELA, Science, Social Studies, Specials)

1 spiral notebook

5 paper folders

3 packs of 24 pencils- will be collected and distributed as needed

1 pack of glue sticks

4 boxes of tissues

2 bottles of hand sanitizer

2 packs of black Expo markers (Thin Tip or Fine point)

1 pack of multicolored Expo markers (Any size tip)

1 pack of crayons

1 pack of markers

1 pair of kid scissors

2 containers of Antibacterial Wipes (ex. Clorox Wipes)

2 packs of Copy Paper

1 pack of erasers

1 ruler with an inch and centimeter side

1 SOFT PENCIL CASE THAT ZIPPERS that will store pencils, scissors,

erasers, markers, crayons **no hard plastic pencil cases**

*** Some supplies will need to be replenished as the year progresses

(especially PENCILS & EXPO MARKERS!)

Trip: Here are a few trips we are planning to go on this school year 

No upcoming at this time. 

The objective for this year