5th Grade Weekly Update

Mrs. Livesay

August 14-August 18

Reminders & Classroom News

August 16: Back to School Night

August 28: Picture Day

September 4: Labor Day--no school

September 8: PTO meeting 7:30-8:15 in Library

Back to School Night

When:  August 16th from 5:30-7:00 p.m.

Where:  Mrs. Livesay's Classroom

What:  An opportunity for parents to hear about classroom procedures, policies, and other important information that will happen throughout this school year.  Both sessions are the same to enable parents with multiple students to attend other grade level presentations.

Forms and Policies

Please take a look at the forms listed below and make sure you have filled out each one.  I have added a permission slip for students to watch PG movies.

Birthday Snacks

Celebrating birthdays is so much fun!  Your child is welcome to bring in snacks to share with the 18 kids in our class on his/her birthday.  Please be aware we have a nut allergy in our class, so nut-free snacks are best! Thank you.

Volunteers Needed!!

We are in desperate need of volunteers for a few areas in our classroom this year!  Please use the link to sign up for where you can.  Some needs are:

WHat we are Learning

This has been a fantastic first week of learning in 5th grade!  We've covered classroom policies and procedures so we can begin to get into a set routine for the new week.  We talked about my expectations for this year and came up with classroom rules that the students created themselves.  I am seeing great classroom behavior and hard work.  Congratulations 5th graders for finishing your first week!

This week, we began our adventure into the world of Harry Potter by reading about the infamous author, J.K. Rowling.  We read a biography about her life and how she came up with the fantastic idea for these timeless books. We will begin reading in our Wonders program and think about the answer to the question, "How can experiencing nature change the way you think about it?"  We will also practice using text evidence to respond to narrative nonfiction text.

We had a lot of fun writing this week.  One topic we learned was how to write an email using appropriate email etiquette. This is a great tool for them to learn since they will be utilizing email so much in their later lives. We also talked about internet safety and appropriate use of the tools we have access to while we are using the web.

Our first unit of math talks about understanding place value.  Students will be asking questions, such as how are whole numbers and decimals written, compared and ordered?  Some of this will be review and some will be new content as we explore the topic of place value in depth.