5th Grade Weekly Update

Mrs. Livesay

August 28-September 1

Reminders & Classroom News

September 4: Labor Day--no school

September 8: PTO meeting 8:30-9:15 a.m. in Library

September 13: Fund Run Day!!

September 22: No School (Teacher Work Day)

September 29: Donuts with Dudes

Fund Run is Coming!!

The annual Heritage Fund Run is Wednesday, September 13th

Information/pledge sheets came home last week in Thursday folders.  Check out what we shared at last week's assembly!

DONATE  NOW! Set up your child’s Fundraising page on Handbid! Share this URL with friends and family all over the country! 


Simply click on BECOME A FUNDRAISER 

Sign up to help out on the day of our Fund Run! 

Changes to Early Dismissal

If your student needs to be checked out for an appointment or an early dismissal, they will now need to be picked up no later than 3:15pm. We will no longer call students out of class between 3:15 and the dismissal bell.

Please be prepared to present a photo ID if requested.  Thank you for making this adjustment!

WHat we are Learning

This week, we finished chapter 3 of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. The kids took a test on the first 3 chapters of the novel and did wonderfully!  We also have begun Reading Flooding, so your child will be seeing a few different teachers for our afternoon reading instruction.  

We enjoyed celebrating the completion of our first official writing assignment!  We had a Publishing Party and several of the kids got to read aloud their Class Pet essays,  We will begin a new writing assignment next week.

Topic 2 began this week in math; with a focus on using models and strategies in adding and subtracting with decimals.  The students are learning how to use place value blocks, mental math and other problem solving strategies to add and subtract with decimals.

We have completed our social studies unit on US regions.  The students did an incredible job creating and presenting their carefully designed posters on their particular US region.  Be sure to check out the Heritage Elementary Instagram/Facebook page to see a picture from our presentations!

We will begin science by asking ourselves, "What does a scientist do?"  "What does a scientist look like?" We have a very fun lab to break-in our science brains with bubble gum!