5th Grade Weekly Update

Mrs. Livesay

February 5-February 9

Reminders & Classroom News

February 14th: Valentine's Day "Party with a Purpose"❤️

Stuffed animals donated to CHCO are due!

February 16th: No school--Teacher Work Day

February 19th: No school--Presidents' Day 🇺🇲

February 21st: Family Paint Night 🎨

Valentine's Day--Party with a Purpose

Hello Parents!

Each year, Heritage Elementary does something extra special for Valentine's Day to reach out and lend a helping hand to our community.  It's called "Party with a Purpose".  This year, we have chosen to have a stuffed animal drive for Children's Hospital.  Being in the hospital is a scary place for kids.  The Child Life specialists at CHCO bring stuffed animals to patients to help create a calm, safe environment and, hopefully, speed up the recovery process. (Shamless plug:  above is a picture of my own child at CHCO with one of many stuffies he's received during unexpected and unwanted visits!)

Here's what you can do:

1.  Have your child donate a new stuffed animal (please no stains, rips, tears).  Dollar Store and Walmart are great places to find cheap stuffed animals this time of year.

2.  If your child has a stuffed animal that is in new/pristine condition, they may donate that, as well. (please ensure the fabric tag that is usually attached to the stuffed animal's leg is still in tact and good condition). 

3.  Stuffed animals can be any size.  Your child may donate as many stuffed animals as they wish.

4.  Bring to school starting February 1st. Deadline to donate is February 14th.  

To learn more about how Children's Hospital Colorado uses stuffed animals to treat patients, check out this article.  

Thank you for supporting such a wonderful cause! 


WHat we are Learning

We have officially begun our work in Front Desk. The kids have enjoyed learning about the main characters, setting and antagonist.  This week in Wonders, we are reading nonfiction and working on summarizing through gathering details and writing a central idea.

Topic 9 begins this week with learning how to divide fractions.  We will specifically be using the saying "Keep, Switch, Flip" to help the students learn the step-by-step way to divide fractions.  Below is a helpful video that you and your child can use to help refresh your memory of dividing fractions.

How to Divide a Whole Number by a Fraction

This week, we have been looking into the three parts of the first American Colonies: New England, Middle, and Southern Colonies.  Each have similarities and differences and we will be taking notes to examine the ethical issues we see in each colonial area.

Fan Fic continues, though we took a brief pause to dive deeper into indirect emotion,  The students learned the difference between direct and indirect emotion (show, don't tell how a character is feeling) and completed a fun Emoji poster experiementing with indirect emotion.