5th Grade Weekly Update

Mrs. Livesay

January 9-January 12

Reminders & Classroom News

January 15th: No School (MLK Jr. Holiday) 

January 16-19: No bus route for bus route 63 🚍

January 19th: PTO meeting in library (8:30 a.m.)

January 30th-February 1st: Spring Conferences

Spelling Bee congrats!

Congratulations to our 2024 Spelling Bee participants!  Katelyn, Sydney, and Connor!  You made us proud today!  

Science Supplies Needed

We are heading into fun units in science!  We will be needing some supplies to be able to provide fun lab experiences for the fifth graders.  Please check out the sign up and bring in what you can.  We also can use a set (at least 20) of mason jars--either pint or half pint sized.  Let me know if you want to supply these for the class.  Thank you so much for your help with this!

Science Supply Sign Up

Spring Conferences

Tuesday, January 30th through Thursday, February 1st will be our Spring Conferences.  Please know these are MANDATORY, as we will be discussing your child's academic and social progress this year.  I will be emailing a sign up form on Tuesday, January 16th.  If you are unable to meet during the available sign up times, please notify me and I will schedule a time that does work for your family.  Thank you!

WHat we are Learning

These next few weeks, we will be answering the question, "What can learning about different cultures teach us?" as we explore the genre of realistic fiction.  We will continue to explore theme as well as summarizing what we read.  

This week, the students came back from break and reflected on the new year.  We designed and wrote flip books thinking ahead about the new year and our goals.  Students learned how to write a "S.M.A.R.T. Goal" and use the format to write their new year's resolutions.

We continue our work in adding and subtracting fractions.  This week was focused only on adding mixed numbers.  The kids got pretty good at it!  Next week will be another challenge: subtracting fractions.  The hardest part of this is when they have to regroup.  Please feel free to show your child this helpful video on how to subtract mixed numbers while regrouping.

Oh my goodness, have we had FUN this week!  The kids have begun our Explorer Simulation project (think of when we used to play "Oregon Trail") and they are loving it!  They have chosen a 15th century name, joined a crew, been given a job on the ship, and are currently sailing under a Royal Charter from Spain.  Will they succeed in finding the New World?  What will happen along the way?  Be sure to ask your child about this week's events!