5th Grade Weekly Update

Mrs. Livesay

September 18-September 22

Reminders & Classroom News

September 22: No School (Teacher Work Day)

September 29: Donuts with Dudes

Friday, October 6th (8:30-9:15): PTO Meeting in library

Tuesday, October 10th-Thursday, October 12th: Parent Teacher Conferences (sign up sheet coming this   week)

School wide Homework Expectations

This was sent out in this Thursday's Blast.  Please make sure you read it thoroughly and let me know if you have any questions:

We want to clarify what the expectations are around homework at Heritage. Each grade level looks a little different when it comes to what is being assigned to students based on age and skill building goals. We want to make a few things clear:

Please reach out to me (kmlawson@dcsdk12.org) if you have any questions or concerns around our homework policy as I am happy to talk with you!

FUND RUN Donations

Hurray!  We've officially reached our classroom goal of raising $1500!!  Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU to all the famiies who have donated to our Fund Run event!  I appreciate your help and support in getting to our goal.

Donuts with dudes!

Hey 5th graders! Donuts with Dudes is coming up next week! Invite your Dad, Grandpa, Uncle, Brother, Neighbor or other special “dude” to school on Friday, September 29th from 7:30-8:30am.

Ladies, we need your help to make this event extra special for our students and dudes! If you can help out, click this link to sign up to volunteer!

WHat we are Learning

This week, we will explore the question, "What are the positivesl and negative effects of new technology?" We will be reading argumentative text that tells us about the pros and cons of video games, explores whether technology is good or bad, and learn about robots and driverless cars.   We will be working on identifying Author's Claim and using text features to help support the main idea.

Our expository essays on "Why Cell Phones are Important" are nearly finished!  This week, we focused on creating reader-grabbing hooks by using onomotopoeia, interesting facts, question asking and/or quotes.  We also learned about creating bridging sentences from our hooks to our claim sentences so that our text flows smoothly.  We are hoping to work on conclusions and editing this week and planning our Publishing Party for Friday!

Topic 3 continued this week with multi-digit multiplication.  The kids seem to have a good grasp on the standard algorithm (old-fashioned way) of solving these problems.  Now, we put our knowledge into play by using multiplication of multi-digit numbers in real-world problem solving.  Our Topic Test will be on Wednesday, September 27th.

Continuing our "Web of Life" unit in science, we have moved on to food chains.  We played a fun card game where the students had to match up different plants and animals and make food chains as long as possible.  This was challenging!  We also spent time on a fun Animal Food Chain art project that you can look for in our hallway when you come in for conferences in a few weeks!