5th Grade Weekly Update

Mrs. Livesay

April 1-April 5

Reminders & Classroom News

April 5th, 8th, 9th: Math CMAS Testing (8:45-10:30 a.m.)

April 15th: Young AmeriTowne Field Trip 🚌

April 10th-12th: Science CMAS Testing (8:45-10:30 a.m.)

April 19th:  No School--Comp Day for Conferences

April 26th: No School--Teacher PD Day

April 30th: HawkQuest FREE in-school Field Trip (1:30-2:30) 🦅

Math Homework this week!

I know I said that we would not have homework during CMAS testing weeks, but I need to break my promise! 😞 We will be giving the end of unit 12 math test next Friday, April 12th.  The 5th grade teachers feel it would benefit the students to complete the Reteach pages to help them review prior to the test.  We will give them the work on Monday (along with reviewing in class) and they have until Friday to complete only the odd numbered problems on pgs 527-528.  Thank you for being flexible!

Young AmeriTowne

The students were wonderful in their job interviews this week!  My favorite part was hearing them cheer each other on when they had to leave for the interview.  Job assignments will be posted Friday, April 5th in the afternoon via Google Classroom.  We try out absolute best to put students into one of their choice jobs, however, sometimes we know that a student will shine in another position.  Please remind your child that they will have a blast, no matter what position they have received!

On our trip day, Monday April 15th, please have your child be on time for school.  They will need to pack a sack lunch.  I promise to get as many pictures as I can and share them with all of you.  I am so excited!


We appreciate you being so flexible with our testing schedule this week and next!  As the staff discussed testing, we decided to continue our testing schedule without skipping days.  This helps in a few ways.  One being that we can end testing early and get it done.  Two, we have to utilize a lot of extra support staff to conduct small group testing for kiddos that have accommodations.  This pulls them out of supporting other students in the school they typically see.  Third, we will have to take the end of the year iReady district assessment.  We feel that a break between assessments will help the students be the most successful.  

Here's the new testing schedule:

April 5, 8, 9: Math CMAS Testing (8:45-10:30 am.)

April 10, 11, 12: Science CMAS Testing (8:45-10:30 am.)

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me anytime.  Thank you for your support!  I know they will ROCK the test!

WHat we are Learning

We are halfway through our novel study in Front Desk.  This has been such an enjoyable read.  There are so many themes that lend themselves to terrific discussions: kindness, poverty, racism, family, the American dream, and the power of the written word. I am enjoying the reactions and thoughtfulness the kids are putting into it!

This week the kids have been engulfed in the world of geometry.  We began the week classifying triangles by their angles and side lengths and have moved onto quadrilaterals.  They have learned about relationships among different quadrilaterals (trapezoid, rectangle, parallelogram, rhombus, and square), analyze geometric shapes, and construct arguments about them.

This week in our Young AmeriTowne preparation, the students have learned quite a bit.  We reviewed how to make our money work for us by learning about different types of investments: CD's, Mutual Funds, and the Stock Market.  We also did a skills assessment to find out what job suits us the best.  Then, we learned all about how to be the most successful in an interview--practicing the right way and the WRONG way (the wrong way was a lot more fun!). 

We began a new writing project as cryptozoology researchers diving deep into the mythology and origins of some of the most famous mythical creatures.  They researched in teams and are working on writing a newspaper article on their findings.  Will they agree their subject is fact or fantasy???