5th Grade Weekly Update

Mrs. Livesay

October 9-October 20

Reminders & Classroom News

October 16-20: Fall Break (no school) 🍂

October 23rd: Picture retakes

October 26th: Talent Show (6:00-7:30 p.m.)

October 31st: Halloween Parade and Classroom Party (parade starts at 8:50 a.m.) 🎃

Fall Conferences

Thank you everyone who came to Fall Conferences!  It was so nice chatting with you about your child's progress.  Please know I am always available to meet or chat--just shoot me an email and we'll find time!

Safety Reminders

We would like to remind everyone of two important policies in place at our school district:

No Dogs on School Grounds: For the safety and comfort of all students, staff, and visitors, we kindly ask that you refrain from bringing dogs onto school grounds. While we understand the love and companionship our furry friends bring, this policy is in place to ensure a safe and focused learning environment for all students. Please make the necessary arrangements to leave your pets at home or secure them outside of school property during drop-off and pick-up times.

No Cars in the Fire Lane: The fire lane is designed for emergency access and must remain clear at all times. Parking or stopping your vehicle in the fire lane poses a serious safety risk and may obstruct emergency responders. Please park in designated areas and adhere to parking regulations when visiting the school.

We appreciate your cooperation and understanding in helping us maintain a safe and conducive learning environment for our students. Thank you for your commitment to the safety of our school community.

WHat we are Learning

This week, we took the Progress Monitoring assessment for this portion of our Wonders Unit.  This will help me gauge where the kids are and how far they've come since the beginning of the year.  We also did a fun poetry project based on our Harry Potter novel.  The kids picked out a character from the story we have met so far in our reading and wrote a haiku poem from the point of view of their character on the first day at Hogwarts.  They all did a tremendous job!

The 5th graders continue to work on answering the question: Should Florida's government use funds to protect natural resources or develop land?  Our focus is to be able to integrate information from several texts on the same topic in order to write about the subject knowledgeably while make a clear claim. The students have a great start on this project and I am looking forward to seeing where they will go with it.

Topic 4 continues this next week with the focus is using models and strategies to multiply decimals.  For a quick review, check out Khan Academy's videos on how to multiply multi-digit numbers with decimals.

This week in science, we were able to study food webs by figuring out what the dinosaurs probably ate.  After plotting our food webs, we took away the sun and discovered that, if the theory of an asteroid hit is correct, the sun would have been blocked out around the world and possibly caused the extinction of thousands of species.  (I stressed that this is only one theory out of many, not a definitive answer.) The students also had many unique possibilities of why dinosaurs are no longer around and we enjoyed sharing our ideas and theories.