About Me

My name is Megan Fleet and I am so excited to be back in the classroom with the incredible learners at Gold Rush Elementary.  I can't wait to get to know your family this year!

This will be my twenty first year in education and my eleventh year at Gold Rush! In those years my roles have included teaching 4th, 5th, a 4th/5th grade combo class, 6th, 7th, and 8th grades. In addition, I developed a Kindergarten through 5th grade STEAM program at Gold Rush and coached teachers on developing and implementing units integrating technology into their curriculum in meaningful ways. In each role I have had, my top priority has been to create a classroom that is filled with respect, learning, and laughter.

I feel so lucky to be teaching in a school district that I attended as a child. I love being able to give back to a community that has given me so much. Following my Douglas County education, I graduated from Gonzaga University in Spokane, Washington with degrees in Psychology and Elementary Education. During my junior year in college I studied in Florence, Italy and traveled through Europe including the countries of Croatia, Bosnia, Turkey, and Greece. These experiences have encouraged me to teach all students to be global citizens. 

After exploring many parts of the world, I decided to move back to Colorado to be closer to my family. Upon my return to Colorado I met my husband. We have been married for eleven years and have two children. Crosby who will be in second grade at Gold Rush and Josie who just turned two. As a family we love to be outside exploring and going on adventures. We also may have a slight obsession with Peloton!

Growing up, math was always my favorite subject, so when I thought about myself as a teacher, I wanted to dive deeper into understanding the different elements of Reading and Writing instruction. This led to my pursuit of a masters degree in Reading and Writing Instruction and a Reading Teacher endorsement in kindergarten through twelve grade. As you can see I truly am a lifelong learner and love to challenge myself right along with my students.

I look forward to collaborating with you to ensure your child accomplishes his or her individual goals. I believe when we work together we can celebrate students as they grasp concepts that they thought seemed impossible. I believe parents, students, and teachers are the perfect learning team. As the teacher, I will provide feedback on student work to encourage conversations about your child’s learning. I will also share snapshots of our school days through email updates. In these emails a short summary about essential questions and standards we are investigating will be described along with ideas about how student learning can be extended at home.

The school day will be filled with targeted lessons that are engaging. There will be times when we work as a whole group, times we work in small groups, with partners, and independently. We will use groupings fluidly to allow students the chance to collaborate and share their ideas. Our class will come up with agreements about what learning should look like and sound like in our classroom. One thing is certain; students will be active in their learning.