TRHS Student Support Services
The ThunderRidge Student Support Team offers comprehensive programming to TR students to ensure success for all. Teachers, counselors, mental health workers, administrators, and the school security team work collaboratively with students to identify and implement appropriate supports or interventions. If you have further questions please reach out to the teacher/counselor/administrator listed in the support section that you are interested in.
Intervention Support: Classes
RtI Access
Access is an open time for students to meet one-on-one or in small groups with their teachers. It is a great time to check grades, get extra help with homework, study for tests, work on their sophomore project or just catch up with the teacher. The purpose of Mandatory Access is to encourage students to come to Access every week. Students in Mandatory Access will sign-in for attendance and then visit any of their teachers. This is listed as “advisement” in Parent Portal and you can monitor your student’s attendance there.
Teachers: Jessica McCague, Joey Cohen, Miriam Louie
Grizz Lab
Grizz Lab is a TRHS school program designed to allow students to accumulate or recover credits toward DCSD/TRHS graduation requirements through online courses. While Edgenuity through Grizz Lab is an opportunity to gain academic credit, course credit:
**May not meet NCAA eligibility requirements (see your counselor or Mrs. Smith)
**May not meet entrance requirements for some institutions of higher education (please check with your post-secondary school of choice)
If you are interested in taking an online course through Grizz Lab, please see your counselor.
Manager: Miriam Louie
School Success
School Success is an elective course in which students receive .5 credit for each semester. The class is designed to support student success in the academic and personal realm. We focus on executive functioning and social emotional skills. It is also an opportunity for students to receive more personalized support.
Teachers: Joey Cohen, Jessica McCague
Read/Write Strategies
Literacy class that focuses on reading and writing skills using the Read180 Curriculum as part of the districts Strategic Plans. Students that are on READ plans, but in the general education setting, are encouraged to enroll in this class.
Teacher: Jessica McCague
ELD: English Language Development
ESL Elective
This course offers extended opportunities for all English learners to practice literacy skills - listening, speaking, reading, and writing. In addition to developing literacy skills, students will have resource time to get additional support from teachers in their content classes and the ESL teacher.
Teacher: Miriam Louie
ESL English
ESL English for English Credit focuses on enhancing content and language to support students in developing their proficiency in English.
Teacher: Miriam Louie
Intervention Support: Academic and/or Social Emotional
Gifted and Talented
Teacher: Dave Stickland
RTI (Response to Intervention)
Teacher: Jessica McCague
Intervention Support: Peer(s)
Peer Counseling
Peer Counselors are students who support other students with organization, grade checks, and advice on succeeding in school. Please contact Meghan Cofer at for more information.
Counselor: Meghan Cofer
Intervention Support: Tutoring
NHS Tutoring
Students who are a part of the National Honor Society are holding tutoring sessions in the library at every lunch period. Need help with some math problems? Head to the library during your lunch to get help from a friend. Students can also utilize NHS tutoring during the Access period on Thursday mornings.
Teacher: Jennifer Sproul
Librarian: Stephanie Sjoland
After-School Tutoring
If your student is in need to tutoring, please reach out the their school counselor to begin the process of finding a school based tutor. Sessions run 2-4 hours a week and can last up to 4 weeks.