August 21st @ 7:45am
September 11th @ 7:45am
September 18th @ 7:45
October 9th @ 7:45am
November 6th @ 7:45am
December 4th @7:45am
Spirit Week: September 23-27
9/23 Monday - Madden Monday - Dress in your favorite sports gear or your favorite team's colors!
9/24 Tuesday - Temple Run Tuesday - Dress in safari gear, jungle gear, or brown, yellow, or green!
9/25 Wednesday - Winding Through Life Wednesday - Dress as your dream job or career, or wear pink, blue, or purple! Also, teachers and staff can get involved on this day by dressing up like their students!
9/26 Thursday - Twister Thursday - Wear mismatched clothes and colors, or wear blue, red, green, or yellow!
9/27 Friday - Fortnite Friday - Wear class colors, school colors, or blue and orange!
Legend Parade: Wednesday, September 25th at 4:30 pm ***Wear IHE colors***
Legend Homecoming Parade Waiver