Classroom Information

Mrs. Leeper’s Kindergarten Class

Welcome to Kindergarten at Cougar Run Elementary! Kindergarten is the time to foster the social, emotional, intellectual and physical growth of each child. I am looking forward to working with you throughout this exciting time in your child’s life!

Dropping Off and Picking Up

Kindergarteners line up outside the main doors by the sign with their teacher's name. At 8:30, teachers will come outside and escort students into the building. School begins at 8:40 a.m. If you arrive after our class has gone inside (or after 8:40), please bring your child to the front door and ring the bell and someone from the office will let you in the front doors.

Kindergarteners will be dismissed at 3:25 from the main doors. If you are picking up your child, please wait outside the doors, so that your child will see you when we come out. Students attending Cougar Club are escorted to the cafeteria. Students riding the bus will be picked up from the classroom and escorted to the bus. Please be sure to notify me of any changes to your child’s usual schedule. I am unable to release your child to another person without consent from you. Good communication will help us ensure the safety of your child.

Classroom Management

In order to support your child’s academic and social growth, my goal is to foster a sense of self-control and responsibility for his/her behavior. This can best be accomplished by providing consistent expectations, predictable consequences and generous amounts of praise, encouragement and positive recognition. In the event that a problem does occur, you will be notified as soon as possible.

We have a class paper chain, we add chains as a reward for the class when they are  working together as a community of learners  For example when we walk quietly through the hallways and we get a compliment, we add a chain. When our chain hits the ground,  we will have a class celebration. 


Regular attendance is imperative to your child’s success in school. I do understand, however, that from time to time missing school is unavoidable. If your child needs to be absent from school, please notify the front office using the Cougar Run Attendance line (303-387-6677). You can call this number 24 hours a day and leave a message. The information you provide will be posted on my attendance sheet, so there is no need to contact me directly.

Recess and Snack

We have snack two times each day at morning recess and at afternoon recess. We have snack time outside unless the weather is bad. Please send a healthy snack and filled water bottle to school with your child each day. Please do not send juice, Gatorade, etc. 


Throughout the year, we will rotate through Music, Art and P.E. Each special will be one week long and will rotate following the MAP acronym (Music, Art, P.E.). Please remember to have your child wear tennis shoes on P.E. weeks. We will be going to the tech lab once a week and technology is also integrated into the classroom. We will also visit the library weekly. Be sure to help your child with the responsibility of taking good care of their library books and returning them on time.


We love celebrating birthdays! Treats are welcome, but certainly not mandatory. You can send them with your child in the morning or drop them off before 10:00. We usually take the treats with us out to recess and enjoy them during snack time before we play. Ready to eat finger foods like cookies, doughnuts or cupcakes are easiest to pass out. Please do not send anything that needs to be cut or any peanut or tree nut products.

The class will celebrate certain holidays during the school year. I will work with our room parent to set up these events and we will give you details about the dates and activities for these parties later in the year. Parents are welcome to attend and if you are available to assist in any way, please list your name and phone number on the volunteer sign-up sheet. 


Good communication is key to a successful school year. I will keep you up to date with school happenings and your child’s progress in the following ways.

Email – You will have an opportunity to provide me with a current email address that you check regularly.

Classroom Newsletter – I will provide a summary of our learning and let you know what is coming up. 

Friday Folders – Friday Folders are sent home every Friday in your child’s backpack (sometimes on Thursday if there is no school on Friday). Important information from school is placed inside, so this folder should be checked every week. Periodically, you will find homework assignments to be completed and returned by the due date assigned. Please return emptied folders in your child’s backpack on the following Monday.

Conferences – Formal conferences are held twice a year. The first conference will take place in September and the second in February. I am always willing to speak with you about your child’s progress at other times during the year as the need arises. 

Report Cards – Your child’s report card will be available online twice a year, in December and May. 

Please do not hesitate to drop me a note, send me an email (, or call me regarding questions or concerns that you may have. If you have an issue that needs immediate attention, please leave a message in the office and it will be given to me as soon as possible. The main number to Cougar Run is (303)387-6675. As parents, you are your child’s first and most important teacher! Your comments and suggestions are welcomed and provide me with valuable information to better understand your child!

Mrs. Leeper's Daily Schedule

8:25-8:35 - Line up Outside (or soft start)

8:40-9:00 - Morning Message and Calendar

9:00-9:40 - Literacy- Reading

9:50-10:10 -Recess and Snack

10:10-11:00 - Math

11:00-11:40 - Lunch and Recess

11:40-12:45 - Literacy - Writing

12:45-1:20 -  Handwriting/Poem and Song Books

1:20 - 1:40 - Recess and Snack 

1:50- 2:30 - Specials

2:30-2:50 - Discovery Time

2:50 - 3:15 - Pack up/Read Aloud and Community Circle with Skittles

3:25 - Kindergarten Dismissal