Ms. Kirkpatrick

Fall 2019 Schedule

Period 1 - Planning Period

Period 2 - Planning Period

Period 3 - Drama

Period 4 - Speech

Period 5 - Drama

Period 6 - Drama

Period 7 - Drama

Welcome to Drama!

This year's Drama program will have everyone using and developing their gifts in areas such as acting, voice, movement, and leadership. Specifically, students will be involved as creators, performer, historians and critics. The best part about Drama is that it builds you as a person. The experiences you share in class will not be learned through a textbook, but through activities, games, and classroom experiences.

In addition to Drama classes, students are also invited to join the after school Thespian Club, which will include performances, field trips, competition and a showcase at the end of the year.

This fall, we will do a play - The Seussification of Romeo and Juliet by Peter Bloedel. Practices are after school and separate from class. Auditions will be the first week of school. Look for more information about that on the Call Board outside the Drama hallway.

This spring, we will do a musical (TBA). There will be an audition workshop in mid-January so that everyone can feel comfortable and prepared for auditions, which will be the last week of January.

I hope everyone will participate in the Drama program at Sierra! Please reach out if you have any questions. Email is the best way to reach me.