Day One


Rome, Italy is a fascinating city with a rich history and lots of interesting things to see and do.

One of the coolest things about Rome is that it was once the heart of a massive empire called the Roman Empire. The Romans were known for building amazing structures like the Colosseum, a huge amphitheater where gladiators once fought. You can visit it and imagine what it was like in ancient times.

Another famous spot in Rome is the Vatican City, which is like a tiny country inside the city. This is where the Pope, the leader of the Roman Catholic Church, lives. You can see the beautiful St. Peter's Basilica and the Sistine Chapel, where a famous artist named Michelangelo painted the ceiling.

And don't forget about the food! Italy is known for its delicious pasta, pizza, and gelato (which is like ice cream but even better). You can try all these yummy foods in Rome.

Walking around Rome feels like stepping back in time. The streets are narrow, and there are fountains and statues everywhere. It's a city full of stories and adventures waiting to be discovered!



Vatican City (€:17.00 for Vatican Museums and Sistine Chapel) Vatican City is the seat of the Roman Catholic Church.  There are 26 museums within the Vatican.  All contain priceless pieces of art, including Michelangelo's The Creation of Adam, which can be found in the Sistine Chapel.



Places to Eat

Near the Spanish Steps, there are some great Italian restaurants


Just down the road from the Colosseum is Mercure Roma Centro Colosseo.  A single room will be around €153 per night, which is about $164.00 per night.

Overview of Rome

Vatican Museums:

Spanish Steps:

Trevi Fountain:
