Gifted Education

Welcome to Gifted Education at Sierra Middle School

The Exceptional Children's Educational Act (ECEA) defines "gifted" children as: those persons between the ages of five and twenty-one whose abilities, talents, and potential for accomplishment are so exceptional or developmentally advanced that they require special provisions to meet their educational programming needs. Gifted students include gifted students with disabilities (i.e. twice exceptional) and students with exceptional abilities or potential from all socio-economic and ethnic, cultural populations. Gifted students are capable of high performance, exceptional production, or exceptional learning behavior by virtue of any or a combination of these areas of giftedness:

* General or specific intellectual ability.

* Specific academic aptitude.

* Creative or productive thinking.

* Leadership abilities.

* Visual arts, performing arts, musical or psychomotor abilities.

About Me:

Hello, my name is Carey Smith. After completing an exciting military career in the United States Army serving in numerous locations around the world, I now call Colorado my home. Upon retiring from the military I earned a Bachelors' degree in History from the University of Colorado and began teaching Social Studies. In 2019 I completed a Masters' degree program in Gifted Education and became a licensed advocate for GT students in the state of Colorado. Currently, I serve as the Gifted Education Facilitator for students in grades 7-12 at Sierra Middle and Chaparral High School. This year I look forward to working with administrators, counselors, teachers, parents and students to ensure that advanced learners receive the educational supports necessary to realize their full potential.

If you have questions about Gifted Education or your student, I can be reached at

"A rising tide lifts all ships"...President John F. Kennedy