Student Travel

The Sierra staff is excited to be able to offer several different travel opportunities for our students. These opportunities are offered in addition to the school-day field trips that are a regular part of academic and elective classes at Sierra. The cost of the trip is paid entirely by students/families that choose to attend. The school will not sponsor or arrange any fundraising activities for this trip.

The following travel opportunities will be offered on an annual basis. Participation in some trips is limited to students that are members of specific grades, classes, or student groups (those limitations are listed).

International Travel-

      • One international trip will be scheduled each year. This trip will be open to 8th-grade students only (registering during their 7th-grade year). International trips will generally take place during spring break. Trips typically range between 7-9 days in length. Past trips have included visits to both coasts of Costa Rica, Peru, Nicaragua, Panama, Belize, and Ecuador. Ask Nicole Worsham if you have questions about international travel.

Domestic Travel-

      • A domestic trip will be scheduled each school year. This trip will be open to all Sierra students that choose to participate. The trip will be scheduled to coincide with school breaks when possible, with an effort to keep students from missing more than two days of school. The trip traditionally occurs over a long weekend in April. These trips are led by Will Knight.

Please use the links above to find more details about each of the travel opportunities listed here. Contact information for each trip will be listed on the individual trip pages.