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Parent Resources


Parenting a Gifted Child Is…

by Jane Hesslein


Important Links:

DCSD Gifted 





CDE - Gifted

Colorado Resource Links 

Summer Ideas 

Parents often ask me, "What should my child do over the summer?"  Hopefully this page will give you some ideas. My philosophy for summer is that students take control of their learning and make goals for learning new things in new ways.  

So, instead of buying workbooks and computer programs, make it hands-on, authentic and experiential.  

Here are my 15 BIG ideas (links are live):

1. Take a field trip, 

2. keep a journal, Ideas here

3. take pictures and explore the art of photography,

4. watch educational tv programs or youtube videos, (Sci Show)

5. write letters or emails to friends, teachers and family members, 

6. cook

7. create, (Instructables for DIY)

8. build something with things you find around the house, 

9. start a blog

10. interview someone older than you about a topic of interest, 

11. learn how to make a movie, (Imovie, windows movie maker)

12. explore museums

13. go to the library and check out three books on topics you would never otherwise choose, 

14. read picture books, 

15.  read non-fiction magazines.

Those are just my favorite ideas! Of course your child will need to practice basic skills so some time on workbooks, worksheets,  Khan academy,, Moby Max and other educational websites are always good but should be limited. Enjoy the outdoors, go for a nature walk, bring a field guide (or create one), discover something new!  READ< READ< READ!! Write authentically!! There are many ways to learn and stimulate the brain and summer is a great time to find new and different ways to learn.  

Other ideas and maybe some duplicates but reinforces the idea that kids need something different