Douglas County School District
Special Education (SPED)

The Douglas County School District Special Education Department provides instructional and programming support and professional development to 85 school sites. Services are provided to approximately 7,000 students district-wide by approximately 1,225 special educators, related service providers, and educational assistants. Additionally, the special education department oversees the administration of Section 504 plans which afford approximately 1,000+ students who experience a substantially limiting physical or mental impairment the opportunity to benefit from the educational program and activities of the school.

Frequently Asked Questions:

As a parent, I feel my child needs to be tested for Special Education. Where do I start? 

The parent needs to talk to the child’s teacher or counselor regarding their child’s progress. The teacher will refer the child to the school’s Response to Intervention (RTI) team so interventions can be made as needed. If the RTI team feels the student is not making adequate progress with interventions in place, a referral to special education will be made. The parents are always part of the referral team.

What is an IEP? 

An IEP is an Individualized Education Program written for a child with a disability who meets qualifications for one or more specific disabilities per federal law. The IEP is a legally binding document tailored specifically to a student’s unique and individual needs.

How often must the IEP team meet? 

The IEP team must meet at least annually to discuss, review, and revise the IEP. An IEP meeting can be scheduled anytime throughout the year if the school or parent feels it is necessary.

Can the IEP team meet without the parent? 

Except for an Initial meeting to determine if a student is eligible for services for the first time, yes, the IEP team can meet without parents if:

Either way, the school must provide parents with a copy of the IEP after the meeting if the parents are not present. Phone conferences can be an alternative way to have the IEP meeting if the parents cannot be there in person.