Philosophy and Expectations

 Mrs. Kawamura’s Philosophy

 “Cooperate  with others, compete with yourself.”  - Unknown

 My  goal is to foster autonomous learning.  In order to achieve this goal, the class will practice cooperation and  learning to work successfully.  Every participant will focus on maximizing his or her own greatest, personal potential.  The classroom  will be an exciting, stimulating, and responsive environment where the students  will feel secure, as well as challenged.  Exploring, creating, and discovering ideas will be encouraged!

 Academic Objectives:

1. To foster autonomous learning

2. To create a joy in learning and desire to make it a lifelong process

3. To facilitate a high level of skill proficiency in all subjects

4. To develop and nurture the creative aspects of learning and critical thinking

Social/Life Skills Objectives:

1. To encourage a cooperative approach to learning and to successfully interact with peers

2. To create a learning environment based on mutual respect, trust, and honesty

3. To discuss conflict resolution and develop creative problem solving techniques

4. To encourage a positive self-concept and develop attitudes that foster higher self-esteem

5. To increase students’ abilities in meeting their responsibilities

Mrs. Kawamura’s Expectations

 Try, really try!

 Be polite, prepared, and prompt!

 Remember PL3 behavior:  Safe, Responsible, and Respectful!

 Write homework assignments and due dates in planner EVERYDAY!  You can double check with the classroom website.

Homework Expectations