Welcome to GT/Discovery 

Welcome to Pine Lane's 

Gifted and Talented Department!

Pine Lane Elementary strives to seek out and nurture student potential. We are committed to partnering with families and our community to recognize and support high potential/advanced/gifted and talented learners who require differentiated programming to meet their educational needs and prepare them for their chosen endeavors in society.

This site is a work in progress, and while we hope to add many helpful resources, we know that parents and classroom teachers may have additional resources that could benefit all of us. Please use this LINK to share other resources you've found to be helpful. 

The National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) guiding principles indicate, "rather than any single gifted program, a continuum of programming services must exist for gifted learners." Gifted Programming is designed to meet the academic, social/ emotional, and behavioral needs of students identified with advanced learning needs. Teachers and support staff differentiate learning opportunities to meet these needs.

Gifted Children's Bill of Rights:

You have a right to

Written by Del Siegle (NAGC President, 2007 - 2009)