August 14th

Mr. Rundle's Lame Joke of the Day!

Activity 1: (VIDEO LINK to Mr. Risdon's Instructions)

Meet the Cresthill Family - Use this interactive map to see a short introduction to all your teachers!

Open the document and click the play button by your teachers to view their welcome message!

1st floor CMS20-21.pdf

Map of 1st Floor Classrooms

2nd floor CMS20-21.pdf

Map of 2nd Floor Classrooms

Activity 2:

Preparing for a new school year, especially for the first time in a new school, can be somewhat overwhelming. Hopefully you have been able to access your schedule and go through a virtual tour of our school building to find the location of your classes and the chance to watch a short video about each of your teachers and other staff members that are connected with Cresthill!

There will be times in which you will struggle, whether it be here at school or out of school. It is crucial to know who, when, where, how to access your support people that you can connect with. Please take some time to watch this video. (While you are watching, reflect on a time in which a 'wave' knocked you down-whether at school or somewhere else and who was there to help you.)

When Waves Knock You Down Reflection (Please complete this short reflection prior to moving on)

Activity 3 : WHAT I WISH I KNEW.....

What I wish I knew when I started 7th grade. Hear some words of wisdom from a couple of our current WEB Leaders as they share their thoughts:



At the end of each New Beginnings, we have our first large Cougar challenge. We have all three teams come together and compete against each other. However, we had to FLIP this opportunity and placed the pressure onto the 7th grade Wellness teachers! Explorers (Ms. Hubbard), Navigators (Mrs. Jardinico), and Trekkers (Mr. Wahl) were well represented. Take a look as they represented your academic team!!

If you have any questions that you would like to ask, please ask them here. We will review questions throughout each day and post the answers on the following day.