
Homework and Missing Work

Students write their assignments in their planner each day. A typical week of homework consists of 1 review math worksheet and 20 minutes of reading each night. For the final 30 minutes of our school day on Friday, we have a Study Hall or Fun Friday. For students who are missing work, they can use this time to get caught up. For students who have completed their work, they have some time to choose a fun activity in our class.

Absent Work

If your child misses school for whatever reason, they are still expected to make up the work they miss once they return back to school. If they are going to be absent for an extended amount of time, please contact me so that we can set up a plan so your student doesn't fall too far behind.

Birthday Celebrations

Birthdays are an exciting day! If you or your child would like to celebrate their birthday, please let me know at least 3 days in advance. For each birthday, our class will create a Padlet, which is an online resource where students can write notes and include photos or gifs. I will do my best to share these Padlet links with parents after they're complete. You're welcome to bring in small gifts like pencils or stickers. Please check with me before bringing food items into the classroom due to student allergies.

Leaving School Early

If your student will be leaving early, please leave me know in advance if possible. This allows me to get work together for them to complete that night. Please make sure to also let the office know that they'll be leaving school.

Lightning Dismissal

If the school goes into a lightning dismissal or early release, please know that you will have to sign your child out from the classroom. You will receive a call and/or email to inform you of this alternate dismissal. Students will not be able to walk home until the weather is cleared.